My new UPD pen

I’m in a self defense class and the instructors pass out pens to fill out paperwork with. The pen is yellow with purple writing on it saying UPD - Emergency - 911. I laugh to myself thinking yeah, someday I’ll have a UPD that requires a 911 call. I ask “what does UPD stand for?” One of the instructors says “University Police Department.” I say “that’s funny; I’m a unicyclist and for us it stands for UnPlanned Dismount!” All the girls in the class laugh and start asking me questions.

The next day we had 2 different instructors and one of the girls tells him all about UnPlanned Dismounts.

I love it when non-uni’ers talk about uni’ing…

Just wait until you start practicing falling, those Intentional Unplanned Dismounts are real rib-ticklers. :o

That’s great. You should nab some of those pens and sell them on the black unicycling market!

Self defense, that’s a good idea. And here’s a story relating to the subject:
I had a scary encounter on my way to Memphis a couple days ago. Bear and I were arrived at late at a Knight’s Inn in Bristol VA. Entry to our room was on the dark isolated side of the motel. As we were unloading the car, a big and very drunk man started approaching us and asking us to visit his room, that he had some things he wanted to show us. He came right up to us I couldn’t understand what he was saying in detail as his speech was so slurred and he was speaking fast in a NY accent. I tried to ignore him, but he pulled out a… harmonica… harmless enough… but began to play and like a intoxicated pied piper, thereby charming Bear, who was quite impressed. I couldn’t believe Bear was suckered in by the playing and started walking toward this guy. I pulled Bear away and we locked ourselves quickly in the room, leaving two laptops and and 8 unicycles unattended and unlocked in the car. I called the desk and they sent someone to help us move to a different room away from this nut. He was probably completely harmless, but don’t most men know that approaching single women in dark isolated locations with invitations could frighten them!

To the point, I felt helpless in that situation, and having placed Bear in a compromising situation like that made me angry at myself. I should have some self defense and when I inadvertently get into such uncomfortable messes, maybe the security that having some defense will enable me to think more clearly and come up with a better response to the situation.

Good idea, Digigal!

One thing I learned is that you can’t get physical if the other person isn’t trying to abduct you, but yes, it gives me peace of mind knowing I fought off a 200 pound police officer. Hurt my wrist and foot punching and kicking him, but I did good.