Well a few days ago i got my new 29" yuni (nimbus?) and it rocked. i took it on a 10 mile ride a few days ago and it rocked. And 2 days ago i took it on an 8 mile ride. The Scwabble Big Apple tire rocks. A dude at the bike shop is going to build me some handlebars so that rocks. i’ll post some pics as soon as i can.
I prefer the standard diatonic myself.
Dude, that rocks!
Hey, I’m looking into getting either a 29er or 36, how much did the 29 with B.A. tire cost you? Are you getting the handlebars done for free by a friend at the b*ke store/how much are they costing you?
I’m really interested in the kind of handle bars you are talking about. (I’m getting a Yuni 29er as well very soon.) From talking to the people at GB4, it seems that their handle bars don’t work with the KH saddle. Did you get a KH saddle with your Yuni 29er? If so, is your person at the b*ke shop going to customize something for you? If you don’t have a KH saddle, may I ask what kind is on your Yuni?
awesome, Im in love with my Yuni 29" as well, I have put more than 200 miles on it since I got it this summer. Have fun with it.
29ers are so much fun- I’m 29er-less at the minute, so I can’t wait for my U-Turn built XC 29er to arrive! I know people who know people who can weld, so I’m gonna have a some handles made that will bolt onto the seat stem or post.
I imagine any unreinforced seat to be very flexy when used with a GB4 handle. I had a KH CF base with mine and it was great! Can’t see it fitting a standard KH without having a lot of mods.
Yes the diatonics are nice because you can get a clean pretty sound but if you need alot of notes then get a chrom harp.
i got the Schwabble big apple and it cost me $260 with S&H. Both.The people at the B*ke store are good friends of mine so I’m going to show him a few pics and he’ll do it for me. The people that know me at the shop will do alot of stuff for free for me.