My New Shoes

I needed new shoes so decided to look for some that would be the goods for Uni’ing in…
I came across these, they were $150AUD and they are awesome, the sole sticks to the pedals with minimum movement/maximum grip.
Just thought i’d share :wink:




Great shoes! That sole looks good.

The soles of my uni shoes that I bought just a few months ago are pretty much in pieces.

Sweet, they look nice.

ha thats nothing I have a huge chunk outa mine :D.

They’re pretty! The soles of my Converses are close to being non-existant. It’s like wearing socks.

skate shoes are great for unicycling- they have excellent grip and are very comfortable & padded.

I have a few pairs of etnies and globes, and they’re really good. I prefer the etnies though.

Nike swindles are great for grip. I’ve had em for about 2 months now, and they are still in good shape. They have not been torn apart, or at all lost appeal. The only thing thats happened to them is the front is slightly purple, because I Mow Lawns. When the grass gets on my shoe, it turns purple for some strange reason. They are great shoes.

I like skate shoes for riding because of the flat sole. Other shoes that have a dip on in the middle of the sole always make the pedals feel weird.

Why do they turn your shoes purple? is it becasue the grass it wet and the dye is spread throughout?

Yes same here…I like anything with a flat bed…because a running shoes feels like their are 2 stages on the shoe and feels messed up…so I use skate shoes…I got a new pair of Etnies like 2 weeks ago and they are really nice for unicycling…

Also about your shoes…they look fine…Dont like white though…

They are holding up REALLY well:)
I was never a fan of white until i got these - they have grown on me but are not as white anymore:D

Those look really nice.

Very nice shoes but i would prefer it if they were black as white shoes will get dirty quicker and be a hassle to clean. :smiley:

i have the same ones in black :slight_smile:

they are real nice, sole is great, they seem to be holding weel but have only had them for 2 weeks i think so…

You will have them for a long time to come;)


White shoes for uni’ing?
Are you nuts?

Black! Black!
Always black!

I like the adidas samba. looks great and works great for uniing. takes a little bit of break in time before they become comfy.