My New avatar

Hey, just testing out my new avatar, I made it on flash mx. Since its so small, i attached the bigger version!!

unicycle 4.gif

That’s pretty cool. You should make him ride in before, and ride out after. Because then it wouldn’t look like it just starts over.

there’s a little transparency for ya.

it’ll take two posts 'cause I’m too lazy

Jonathan Ware

unicycle 4.gif

and yeah…

and yeah…

oh, could you send me your actual mx file please? just so I can modify and change… if that’s ok with you?

unicycle 5.gif

Kool! :slight_smile:

For mine, I made each frame on Paint, and then put them in the Wizard on Animation Shop Pro :smiley:

Keep it up…


Hey bagpiperboy, I can do that for you and i cant. When I was finish making it, i went control-test movie, and that made a file with just the animation, but then i closed th mx file and didnt save. But 3/4 of the way making it, i saved, so i’ve got only 3/4 of the mx file, so i’ll send that to you

Flash MX is weirddddd. But you did a good job. It’s funny how he wails his arm up and down. I use Fireworks though. Besides, my Flash MX got expired or whatever. And since I only know how to add frames and stuff in fireworks, I just made all the pictures with a 3D model. Unfortunately it’s not going the right speed…

Maybe I should try some transparency on mine. See how it looks. :smiley:

Okay, that’s bad… ::switches back to black background::

cool wish i could use flash…

“bikes,always getting in the way two many wheels for there own good if u ask me” quote