Just painted my Sector 9 Austria Supercruiser a hot neon green to match my Flashbacks! I’ll soon be getting a Fibreflex 44 Pin, too. Dang, that photo doesn’t do justice to the color - it literally glows in the sunlight! It kinda burns your eyes… Oh, and I have yet to remove the masking tape from the wheel cutouts and the edge, so I post another pic when I have everything together. I might even do two black stripes down the edge if I’m feeling funkylicious.
cool longboard tyler!
i hope to make myself a custom longboard deck as well.
Eat a couple hamburgers, boy. You’re looking skinny.
Yea I know, but I eat more or as much as a “regular” sized kid, I guess it’s just my ma-tab-o-liz-im. Did I spell that right?
no. no you didn’t. you fail the spelling test, tyler. FAY-YiLL.
Yeah, I’m just jealous you’re young and thin and bendy.
how long have you had glasses?
Uhm…woah Tyler posted!!!
Nice board too.
That is awesome, Yeah its good to see you back. I posted a thread wondering where you were at.
Hi, Tyler!
Gosh darnit, quit using photos of me - that’s copywrite in-fridge-mint!
Here’s a computer generated depiction of it’s final state of being through and through. Assembled and in a prepared state of awesomeness, the female beings will state, “Tyler, I enjoy to view your longboard skateboard through my eyeballs. Goodbye, and have a delightful evening.”
Tyler, good to see you back on the forum. That board is almost as big as you.
That is so nice.
I want a longboard.
There, I fixed your post for you. I’m sure you know that our aquatic mammalian friends, the whales, are quite aerodynamic despite their massiveness. You may be able to gain a bit more speed on your longboard with a few extra burgers in your tummy… just sayin’.
BTW, you wear all your protective gear when ‘boarding, right? Elbow pads, fatty gloves, helmet and all? I don’t see so many longboarders wearing that stuff these days, but it sure was popular in the old school… it meant you were doing some serious shreddin’!
Always a helmet, and wrist guards if doing fast DH.
I think longboarding would be fun…
In Missoula there’s lots of longboarders. Once, I saw two kids on skateboards, one on a normal SB and the other on a long. They were trying to do kickflips, off curbs and stuff, and the guy on the longboard was failing miserably, it was really funny to watch.