My Name

Because of unicycling, I’ve developed a really big … smile!


<imaginative mode ON>

My username is “phil”. Although it may seem strange, and I realise this revelation may cause unrest amongst the forum dwellers, but it is no coincidence that this is also My Name.

Spooky indeed.

I recall being quite pleased to find somewhere where I actually could log in with my name, instead of some other nick.

Where that happens I generally use Flippet, which is a slight mangling of a nickname from a while back… it was more of a “flippit” back then though.

Hence being mine…

Phil, just me

You may think I use this because it is actually my name, it is straightforward, and I feel no need to be anonymous. However, it is my father’s PARENTS’ name. Tricky, eh? I’m not so predictable as you thought.

The underscore in my username is a disguise so I can post anonymously. The all lower case further disguises the fact that it is not in any way a proper name.

Ekimstorm is a name i’ve been using for a while. I started using it when i was much younger, so thats why its so dumb. ok, the ‘ekim’ is mike backwards, and i just added the ‘storm’ because i liked the sound of it and stuff…i dunno. maybe i am like a storm on my uni? i dunno, whatever :stuck_out_tongue:


Vortex_oow…hmm, well, my friends online name was Vortex, and I thought it was really cool, so he let me steal it. I added the _oow (One One Wheel) to make it more of a uni name. :smiley:

Like Jagur, mine’s Biblical:

…just from a different book.


Mine is even more creative than Unisteve’s :). My real name is also Steve and I, like Phil, enjoy logging on with my real name. I was happy to be able to find an email service that was new enough that It didn’t have anyone using the fairly common name of Steve and sence my mail it from I thought that my screen name sould be the same. On AIM and Yahoo I go by CntSpllWrthADmn because I_Cant_Spell_Worth_A_Damn is too long. Feel free to say hello if you are on either of those instant messengers.


I used to watch Duck-Tales after school every day. Gizmoduck, motorised unicycle superhero at your service! :sunglasses:

Ken Looi

Duck Takes was great. I have the theme tune somewhere…

<scuttles off>

Phil, just me


hi all,

my first forray into this venture

got my Muni ( bertha) back in june and loving every challenge since!

i too can just about recall the days of 2 wheeled mtb.
recently whilst having to go to my shed to complete a carbon air seat conversion i caught a glimpse of my old steed - sad and dejected. had a quick raz - felt rather odd

oh yeah…

forgot the whole point of the thread

pharley = abbrv of my name
pronounciation = farley
reason = as yet unknown

Re: yowdaldoodledo

My bike, once the mainstay of my transportation, lives outside in the bike rack, out in the cold, wet inhospitable winter weather, with only birds relieving themselves on the mudguards (GRRR!) to keep it company. My unicycles, on the other hand, live in my nice warm and dry room, and get cleaned much more often (ie. at all…)

Welcome to the forum, too… may much unicycling banter come your way!

Phil, just me

Hesitations 3:22

This is a good thread, so it’s about time to add some more.
I’ve been going by Paco for about 10 years now. It’s not my real name, but it might as well be. Paco just seems to fit me better than my secret identity.

my name

my aol name is thinbennyboy because i am thin and i used to be called benny boy so i unicycled it up a bit >thinunking:D

Like Phil and Steve, I was amazed to learn that I could just use my first name here.:smiley:

Gerblefranklin was a confusion at school that ended with me being called Gerblefranklin and someone else Gerblemeister. Eighth graders can be like that. I used it because it was just the first thing that came to mind, having just seen “Gerblemeister” about 5 minutes before logging onto thius website.

Re: my name

Hey, I am thin, too!


Back when I first got onto the internet(almost 10 years ago) I was using a family account on AOL. My Dad signed me up as BugManChad since Chad just about anything else was already taken. Initially I wasn’t that keen on it, since I didn’t really see myself as a BugMan at the time. I have a degree in Chemistry, and Marketing and ended up in the Pest Control industry after school. After a few years I ended up buying a good portion of the company I worked for. We sell to pest control companies. The owners of those companies and their technicians come to me for answers. I am now after many years considered one of the experts in my field, and am refered to as the BugMan by others in this industry. So now I kind of wear the name as a badge of honor.