My music profile

Hey everyone. I finally got around to recording some of the stuff I’ve been working on for the past year or so. It’s still really rough and that recording quality isn’t great but it’s okay. I’ve only uploaded two tracks so far, but if you’re interested, I’d really love it if you checked them out. Also if you’ve got any suggestions, those are always totally welcomed.
It’s a cross between spoken word, Avant-Americana, Free Jazz and classical piano.

That was Sooo Sweet mate… How/where can I download them??? :D:D

Thanks. :slight_smile:
I can’t figure out how to make them downloadable. I uploaded them that way because I’ve had trouble in the past with people trying to pass it off as theirs.
But if you PM me your address, I could email them to you sometime. :slight_smile:
Thanks again.

Listened to them both

I liked the piano but the spoken word didn’t really um… speak to me. Maybe I need to listen to it again as I often like spoken word better after a few listens.

I see potential in a Jazz band.

Peace man


piano felt loose and free. Like spontaneous feelings or energy, never played the same way twice. It sounds like the band is having fun.

Both pieces are psychedelic.

Thanks again guys. I really appreciate it.

But what band are you talking about? It’s just me playing solo piano.

Maybe I should be a one man band… hmmm!

The piano piece is well done. Not my style of jazz to listen to, but well done for what it is. It manages to evolve and remain interesting to listen to.

Is it an electronic piano? The recording sounds like it’s an electronic piano rather than an acoustic piano.

Thanks once again!
It’s my Baldwin Acrosonic upright. It sounds like that due to an inferior microphone that I was using. Part of it has to do with the fact that I just place the pic on the piano. When I’m recording on a grand with the same mic, the sound is much clearer and truer to life.
Also, I have to up the volume quite a bit, so that it’s audable and unfortunately, that means more fuzz and such in the finished product.
Oh well…

A good set of stereo mics and recording gear would really help out the production. Right now it sounds like a mono electronic sampled piano. It’s missing the full percussive qualities and full sustain of a good piano. The full sustain will give the music more depth and layers as one passage sustains as the next passage layers on top. That’s kind of missing in the recording. Even an upright piano ought to be able to achieve that if the mics are put inside next to the soundboard and hammers. Course, good mics and recording equipment cost money.

I don’t mean to just harp on the recording quality. The playing is good.

yeah, I have no money right now. It sucks. I really want to get some good equipment though. Or just have Jerrick record me… But seriously, the Acrosonic is Baldwin’s best upright and my recording makes it sound like my 1990’s Casio synth… dangit.
Thanks for the comments. I aprreciate them. :slight_smile:

It’s not that bad. More like a 1990’s Korg synth. :wink:

Alright, you asked for it…

The piano piece felt desperate, dark, and panicked. It gave me an unsettled, troubled feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not exactly my style of music but it certainly made me keep listening. You’ve got some real talent.

The spoken word was, for me, waaay overly phallic early on and a bit pretentious later. Probably just not my cup of tea.

I’m impressed by your musical talent but much more impressed with your nerve in putting your art up for open criticism.

Take it for what its worth…ramblings from a stranger on a unicycle forum.


Haha, thanks.
When I write a poem, I usually have no clue what I’m doing. I usually try to twist meanings of words and to distort historical fact and I try to portray certain emotions that way. Plot really has nothing to do with it.

It’s always good to hear someone’s input on my poems because I never really get any.
Thanks a lot.

Anybody else got any comments or suggestions?

Liked the Poem… Sweet Sweet Honey…

Hey, right now my single channel preamp is dead (I think) so right now recording with my mic is out of the question. However, im saving up for a new interface and once I get that, we can work something out to record you.

:o The website made it look like a band. I just thought it was a piano solo in a band .

I felt that. How 'bout try a happier piece?

True Dat

i really likd the pianon thing it wus really good,. i havnet listende 2 teh otheer thign yet.

The piano wasn’t my thing whatsoever, so I won’t comment on it.

The poetry was pretty good content-wise, but you sounded really bored when reading it, so it didn’t give me much incentive to really pay attention. Sorry if that sounds like I hated it, cause I definitely didn’t, your tone of voice just didn’t sound like you were that into it.