My Motivation to UNI

Hello and good day,

My motivation was my old girlfriends dads cousin…yes complicated i realize, by old girlfriend imean several years ago actually it was the 7th grade. I was at their house and he came over and whipped out a uni from the trunk of his car. He rode it around and i was in awe, not only that he could ride but that both of his legs had previously been amputated and he had 2 prosthetic legs and was riding a unicycle…from then on i knew i must ride.

What was your motivation?

My best friend got one…

Yeah mine isn’t as cool.

Is this a thread about how you started riding an uni or WHY you ride an uni?

I ride because I think it’s fun. It’s just so much diferent from biking. You can’t get as much speed as with a bike, but it’s fun (and sometimes even scary) in a different way.

It’s about why you started, i now ride because its challenging and way more fun than anything else id be spending my time on, also it look pretty cool to the onlookers.

I read on a website that someone solved a rubiks cube while idling on a uni. So I wanted to be able to do that. After learning to ride, I found out that there is more to unicycling that speed solving Rubiks cubes while idling, so I learned more stuff.

the bikers

L dot.


So did you solve a rubics cube while idling???

They didn’t wander in the desert because they listened to a bush, they got out of egypt by doing that. The reason they wandered is cause they didn’t trust God and complained, they even wanted to go back to slavery.


Wasn’t the bush burning? I wouldn’t listen to a burning bush, could be the devils work hmmmm… maybe… nah!

Hey James whats the trick to ruiks cubes, I tried one once for about 4 hours in a long car drive and I got one side the same color but I never solved it.

Good Question-

Is there a trick to solving it…If i ever met you in real life i wouldnt even want to uni at first, i would want to learn the art of rubiks

wow i diaboloed then thought hey i want a unicycle so top of the christmas list and a year on i’m unicycle mad!

I got into unicycling because I used to be a mountain biker. I went onto my computer and downloaded New World Disorder. It was then that I saw Kris Holm. I thought that that was the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life. I went to my local bike shop and bought my first uni. It is still my life. (besisdes my g/f, who is AWESOME!!!)