my mega snowman pictures

I started making a massive snowman last evening at about six o’clock and today continued from 10am until 4pm. I used all snow from the yard on this massive mutant snowman. I will probably need to shape it up a bit more tomorrow. But anyway, here’s some pictures! The base’s circumference is 620cm, making the diameter about 197 cm.

Under construction 1 (800*600)

Under construction, angle 2 (800*600)

Finished piece (1024*768)

Finished piece with me standing on side (800*600)

where’s the Unicycle …?

(you should make smaller jpg’s… your host is sloooooowwwww)

We have 10 inches of fresh snow here in Chicago today…

The plows have burried my Jeep… but that the fun part :smiley:

Thats huge. It looks like a snow bear. Your pics loaded real fast for me…I dont see any host problems. Maybe its a different time of day thing.

How did you get the middle and top sections onto the bottom section?

tthats ginormous! i wish it snowed in florida.


Thats huge.HUGE.HUGE huge.

Its too cold to make a snowman here,the snow wont stick.But we made a HUGE snow cave(s)all over a big drift.

In that last piture,with you standing in it,whats that birdy lookin thing in the front?it lookks like a snow birdbath.

DigitalDave wrote:

At first I thought of adding something relating to a unicycle, but then I thought "heck with the details’ and just concentrated on gathering as much snow as I could on a big stack. it was at a very late stage that I decided that it will be a bulky snowman with mickey mouse ears.

mango wrote:

I just piled them up with some aid from a chicken fence (are they called that?). I made all three layers with the same technique: I wrapped a piece of the fence on one side, attached it tightly with snow and started throwing the snow against it. It’s a real wonder that the construction didn’t collapse, because only the farthest sides of the snow are well compressed (with spade and hand).

forrestunifreak wrote:

it’s a setup with two porcelain bunnies in a flower pot :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, that’s so cool! It’s so big!!!

You should get together with forrestunifreak and build an even bigger one – and make a snow cave out of the bottom section. Hollow it out and put a door in the back. You could live in it like an igloo.

oh damn!

No you don’t. You have no snow plows and no one in Florida has chains or snow tires.

… or knows (or remembers) how to drive in the snow.

Good point! However snow is great fun!!!

I built a small snowman in Holland last year…then blew its head of with fireworks :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate snow becuase you can never do any thing on it here it is always in the middle to to soft to pack for any thing and to hard to sled. I dont like it very much and the only reason i like it is because i ge money for more uni stuff

(shoveling snow for those slow enough)


I’m sorry, this thread is about BIG snowmen, but since you blew its head off… it’s okay.

whoa man, how did you get the body on? looks really heavy, me and all my friends normally get together to make huge snowmen about that size…i should take a picture, it takes a good 6 or 7 of us to lift it. haha, and we are all like 16-18. you must be buff.

It’s hilarious when there is an ice storm or snow event in Atlanta. All CNN has to do is put a camera on the roof of their building and broadcast live pictures of cars and pickups sliding and crashing on the downtown Atlanta streets. :slight_smile:

Course things aren’t much better in Seattle when there is snow and ice. We’ve got snow plows and de-icers, but not enough to keep all the streets clear. And Seattle and the surrounding area is hilly. There are some steep hills in Seattle and they always cause problems. All the local news has to do is put a camera at the bottom of one of those hills and film the ensuing mess. But we still do better than Atlanta.

snow! wuts that

haha here in california we got no snow. but its cold enough to have it were i am

Haha. I think that’s part of why my parents decided to move us to SF. They got tired of the poor snow drivers.

Imagine San francisco with a good layer of snow and black ice… That’d be good fun, unless your house faced the bottom of a hill. Imagine trying to climb Lombard street on ice.

Re: snow! wuts that

Lets see. I wonder how they pull off ski resorts in Tahoe… Or how about all those dead people from the donner party. Maybe it was a heat wave that killed them…

Just day after I finished the snowman, a heatwave settled. Now two days past, the snowman has taken a lot of damage due to +5 celsius degrees and rain.

See the heatwave aftermath picture here:

I’m waiting for the weather to get colder again so I might somehow fix it up. Or if the weather remains like this for longer, as it seems, I’ll have to say him goodbye :frowning: