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I like this pic a lot, its not mine though…

It be even better if the entire fly and leaf were in focus, whicle the background was still blurry. Nice, but wrong aperature setting.

No aperature setting on a normal SLR would get the entire fly and leaf in focus with the subject that close. A camera’s DOF can only be so great.

The F-stop number only goes so big. To solve this “problem” in macrophotography there is:

No, it’s possible. If the fly is moving too fast, then you need faster film… yeah, it may cost more to have the right setup (film speed, aperature, shutter), but it is possible.

Hypothetically, maybe.

I really like the metal one, what is it? a pot lid?

Fast? Not sure if you’re trying to be funny or just not a photographer. At the risk of embarrassing you in front of the community… uh, go ask your dad. :slight_smile: He’s got a real nice “pro” camera (and no doubt the lenses to go with it), and I’m pretty sure his equipment can’t do any better than that fly picture.

The issue is more about optics and amost completely unrelated to speed. If you had a tiny enough aperture (f-stop) you could get greater depth of field. but the more macro you get, the shallower your depth of field becomes. You’d need something like a pinhole lens, which would then introduce problems with exposure time vs. a living subject.

Yes, I’m sure the equipment exists somewhere to get that whole area in focus. Not sure if it can be done with a live fly though, unless you gave it a bunch of valium first. That’s a really sharp photo for what it’s worth!

Note: I recently got my new camera, which is your dad’s semi-pro camera: Canon 20D. Very cool, but it’s not coming on most rides with me!