My Legs (A Whine Thread)

I’ve been whining on and off about my ability to bruise easily. It’s crazy. I’ve read wiki about what causes it and apparently, if you’re female, chances are that you’d bruise easier than males. I remember when I first learnt to uni. I didn’t have shinguards then and it didn’t occur to me initially that support was a useful thing. I learnt mounting first, without support and that led to plenty of shinwhacks before common sense caught up.

Well a couple of days back, common sense deserted me again and I went cycling. On two wheels. My legs look like this today.

How on earth did you manage that!? On two wheels no less!

I don’t bruise easily but I got nasty pedal bite two weeks ago, and my leg still hurts if I press on it. :frowning:

Geez, what happened to get all those bruises??

At least you’re not a hemophiliac. :smiley:

I made friends with some BMXers and asked them to teach me a flatland trick. I was on 2 wheels for all of 40 minutes or thereabouts.

It’d probably not be that ugly if it weren’t that I bruise very easily. It’s so ridiculous.

You’re supposed to be on Busy mode!

Nice gams.

Sexy, eh?