Today, the Times Union (Albany, NY newspaper) published my letter to the editor. If you don’t read anything else, skip down to the part of my letter which I’ve bolded.
Mine was in response to this other guy’s letter:
Well, when I read that I was inspired to write this (link):
If hard science can’t convince people that evolution may be responsible for our existence, it surely won’t sway people’s opinion on something as trifling as global warming.
Well thats good. I was getting worried about that glow ball getting too hot. Now we just have to fix global warming and we’ll be set. Feel free to try to disprove it but it is happening. Just stay in your air conditioned house and you’ll be fine right?
Steve, I don’t really think you can argue that consensus among scientists means it’s correct. This seems like a cop-out argument, but scientists agreed the Earth revolved around the sun too. And I’ve read too many stories to just dismiss it of scientists getting their funding pulled for daring to question global warming.
Thank you for calling him out on the “it was cold yesterday, so global warming doesn’t exist” crap, though. That is one of the dumbest arguments ever.
Steve, I don’t really think you can argue that consensus among scientists means it’s correct. This seems like a cop-out argument, but scientists agreed the Earth revolved around the sun too. And I’ve read too many stories to just dismiss it of scientists getting their funding pulled for daring to question global warming.
Thank you for calling him out on the “it was cold yesterday, so global warming doesn’t exist” crap, though. That is one of the dumbest arguments ever.
The sun revolves around the earth, AND the earth revolves around the sun. It’s all about the reference point. From the reference point of the entire universe, they both revolve around each other.
Back then it was because the Catholic church decided everything, and scientists didn’t really have tools to accurately gauge these things. But then Galileo came along and invented the telescope, or he improved it or something, and did a bunch of other crazy scientific stuff and figured out the truth. So as you can see, with new scientific developments, we can actually figure out the true nature of…nature, instead of just relying on faith.
I recently attended a lecture by Michael Crichton and have seen a few interviews with him, and he has some interesting points. He believes that science is becoming less science and more politics. Here is an interesting interview from the Charlie Rose show. It’s an hour long, but is very interesting. It’s not all global warming; there’s a decent bit about gene patenting and some other things in there.
Nice, well-written letter. It’s great they published it.
To Monkeyman: I think comparing our level of knowledge about the universe around us now to the level of knowledge in Galileo’s time is a cop-out. Believing that the earth is the center of the universe or is flat is not the same thing as looking at the numbers provided by scientists in the climate change debate. Numbers don’t lie, it’s not in their nature.