"my humps" parody by Alanis Morissette

As I don’t listen to the mainstream music I haven’t known before the lousy group called “black eyed peas”.
Neither I haven’t heard of their more than lousy song “my humps”, but a friend send me those links:
This is the original version of “my humps” just watch it a little… not to long because it may cause brain cancer :wink: :astonished:

Then look at this video by Alanis Morissette. :smiley:
Just fabulous! I’m not a fan of Alanis and never have been,
but after this parody she earned a lot points in my personal rating :wink: Smart and unusual.

What do you think?


I’ve been searching to find if someone has posted this before and found nothing. I hope I’m not repeating the story…

When I first saw that video I disliked it. I still do.

i think the black eyed peas are fun and unique, i really dig their stuff. except this my humps song, that was a low point.

edit…i changed my mind about the original my humps now…at least allanis isn’t in it…sheeeeesh

As a matter of fact, My Humps is a cover of an old Bob Dylan song.

Thanks James, that Dylan video, was the icing on the cake, or hump.

The Alanis parody is funny, it got one lol the first time I saw it but once is enough.

That Dylan parody is really funny, especially the sign scene.

Black Eye Peas are (were) unique, too bad Fergie got stuck on herself. The worst part about “My Humps” is I think it led to “Fergaliscious”.

Fergalicious definition makes them boys go loco!
They want my treasure so they get their pleasure from my photo!

PS the Alanis video reminds me of this cover of Hey Ya.

I dislike very strongly that song. Some of Black Eyed Peas is good. But this song ruined them IMO.

I never want to listen to Alanis again. Something about her voice is just grating.

i liked it- it’s fun. the Heyya! cover’s pretty cool too. i mean even if i only wanna listen/watch the parody once, it doesn’t mean i don’t think the idea is cool or wasn’t worth spending time on. i used to like listening to alanis morrisette and though i haven’t heard much from her recently i think that effort is worth a “you go girl!!” from me.


I saw this “parody” a few weeks back, but I don’t get it.

Alanis is cool and the BEP are cool, but in such different ways. I couldn’t figure out if Alanis was trying to attack the BEP for being poor song writers (which most of their songs testify to) or whether it was just a bit of fun and meant in a jovial manner.

But why? It’s like comparing jam sarnies to haute cuisine. Sure the HC is sophisticated, tastes good and requires skill to prepare, but a jam sarnie is tasty too, it appeals to just about everyone and just about everyone can make one too.

I do hope it was meant nicely. Maybe BEP could return the parody with one of her songs. I’d like to see them adapt “Hand in my pocket”.