Okay, all I have to do is scan it, fix it a little, and color it. It’ll be up in just a few short minutes or even an hour, not sure… heh…
been about 5 hours now.
Yeah. How much longer do we have to wait?
Technical Difficulties
Sorry guys. I’ using the Gimp and it’s not cooperating with me very well right now. It keeps crashing/freezing when I try to scale the image, it blows. I’ll try and have it up later today (it’s 12:47am right now) and I really need my new video card tomorrow, I’m getting a GeForce4 MX 420, it’s not much, but hey, for a little under $60, it’s a good deal, man, or woman if you wish. Yeah, anyways, got a little off track. So yeah, my pic will definately be up today. I’ll stay up till 2am working on it and I’ll put it up after I get some sleep. It looks pretty goofy lookin’, it took me like 20 minutes to draw and ink, so it’s a little rough, so go easy on me. Heh, okay, that’s all folks!
Re: Technical Difficulties
And here’s me, still using my Matrox G400 that I bought in January 2000, the oldest bit of my computer save the power cord…
DANG!!! You need a major overhaul in upgrading! HAH! I mean, okay, I’m sorry dude… but REALLY!! HAHAHAHAH!!! ok, I’m sorry, I just had to get that out… BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! heheh, okay, I’ll stop, for reals this time. You have job, right? if ya don’t, get one. You have a Visa card? Mastercard card? Whateverkindacardthatletsyoubuythings card? okay now, go here: Price Watch ok now, you’re there, now what Toby? OKay, in the field right next to “Price Watch ®” blah blah, (should be at the top of the page) type in Geforce4 AGP or PCI (depends on what kind of slots you have, or if you have both, buy both, a joke) Look for one that’s less than $50, there should be a lot!! heheh, now than, buy one closest to your state or whatever. I got mine from instate location, HAH! Well, buy one already, you lazy bum… a joke as well. Sorry, please don’t kill me… Okay, well, I know I’m being bleh, but bare with me, I’m trying to help ya out, man! HEE HEE!! Good luck with your comp!!
im here! where is it?
Don’t make him mad
Alrighty than! Here it is, I was having some problems with file size, but here it is! It’s a little weak, I made it in a hurry, sorry.
hulkonuni.bmp (525 KB)
So I’m guessing that’s a Coker he’s riding? He looks like he’s already tacoed the tire. And he might want to check spoke tension, because the wheel doesn’t seem to be aligned any more. But with only 18 spokes, that’s understandable, especially in a zero cross pattern.
Seriously, though, I’m just jealous because you can draw a humanoid figure and mine generally end up looking like deformed goats. Good job!
Uh… thanks? I made it in like 20 minutes, so yeah. I wasn’t about to draw 40+ spokes, HAH! I’m not indoors that much… okay, I am, so what, I’m lazy! heheh Man, I was expecting more posts and stuff, maybe if I give it another day or whatever. eh, oh-well.
That turned out great. I don’t know how people can draw that well on a computer, or on paper for that matter. Good job.
Geez! I was expecting more responses to this, I mean, I take the time to draw this and I get like two responses and that’s it. What is up wit dat, yo!
Re: MAN!
We’re not art critics here in “Just Conversation” which is why you’re not getting a lot of responses.
I’ll attach a JPG version of the picture so it will be displayed as a picture rather than a download link. This way more people will see it.
It’s a very nice drawing. You’ve got some talent. I never learned how to draw or paint and I have no skill to be able to do it. I can play around with computer generated graphics that takes advantage of mathematics – Things like ray tracing and fractals. But my lack of artistic talent limits what I can do with computer graphics too. I have no hope of ever being able to draw anything freehand.
If you’re not careful people are going to start asking you to make drawings and art for T-shirts for things like muni weekends, national conventions, and other unicycle events.
John Childs is right ITEMNO530. We’re not art Critics. I’m not one of them and besides I can’t draw either. Just rough sketchers I do. And it works for me.