So today when my mom came to pick me up she had my new shoes with her!!!
they are vibram five fingers, i love them, they feel just like going barefoot, and you can barely even tell there there. I can’t wait till i get to test them more like for running and stuff cause it is raining now so i can’t.
If you have been thinking about getting them i would say go for it, they are definitly worth it!!
They look awesome! Bet they are comfortable.
Wait a second, so those are shoes for barefooters? That is pretty contradicting.
sweet man, I’m so jealous!!
go on a run, and lemme know what its like, and take picture!
yeah I’d like to see some pictures too, they look cool!
how flexible are the soles?
Those are…uhhh. neat? Ive never seen anything like that ever. They kinda wierd me out.
Those are awesome.
Now that I’ve seen those, I may need to order a pair! Those are awsome!
I hope they’re good for kitesurfing, because I just bought a pair.
dude those look SO SWEET!
I wonder how it feels to uni in them?
i would get some for beach and camping and swimming but there to wierd. everyone would be like woah there too wierd
you have no idea what I was thinking when I saw the title but i guess you dont want to know
it would be great for distance riding, but on my plastic pedals 5 jumps and there hurting, so they would probably kill on pinned pedals
the soles are very flexable, i have them on at school, they do look outta place but i dont really care what other people think, cause i feel barefoot
are your feet comfy to walk around all day?
I wonder how breathable, Habbywall? Seems they could get pretty sweaty fast. Tell me I am wrong and I may buy some!
they are sorta breathable, but the soles do get hot, it isnt to bad though, i will give a full anaylasis after i run today
those are sooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome. do you know how much they cost? I want too get some.
They cost $70 a pair on the site he gave.