My First Vid

Yo, a friend and i just put together a short clip.
It’s my first edit, so it’s really crapy.

Check it out:

by the way, I’m not the kid who does the misty

Was that the same song that was in shaun’s flip vid #2? It sounded like it but it was different. I thought the song was kinda annoying.

The vid was good tho

the flip at the begining was cool…

I think it was the same song but it was sung by different people.
I think the song in shauns flip vid was smooth criminal sung by the band alien ant farm and in Mullethunter’s vid it was sung by micheal jackson.

I liked it. Nice flip at the beginning.

I agree. you should try and make that on a uni sometime, that would be awsome :smiley:

i always like watching first vids

oh and don’t make it go for the full length of the song

it just makes it take longer to load and i don’t think its worth it just to listen the the rest of the song

but otherwise… good work, have you tried cranking up onto things yet? park benches are good for first practise.

Yeah the whole “keep listening” thing was annoying…just fade the song out or use a shorter one.

The riding was alright. How long have you been riding?