my first uni vid

yes, well, after going through the difficulty of digiizing my movie, moving it to an external hard drive, taking a crash course in imovie, and 2 days of editing it on a mac, here it is.
be forewarned that, through playing with the excessive features of imovie it is very artsy, with many fanciful transitions, and a beginning which has absolutely nothing to do with unicycling.

oh yes, one other thing. i already know that it is bad, and that i suck at trials, and my course is tiny, so please, please don’t remind me.

otherwise, enjoy..

it was nice but some sujections edit the clips a little more and make it shorter and add a song

o and nice prehops


yeah, i just found out how to add music, that version is comin.
the unedited video was over 25 min long, so its a lot shorter than it was.

work on less setup hops, and 180 sif hops. Your course is awesome though.

I was unable to download it; I think you’ve maxed your transfer quota. Would you please post it here in the gallery?

it is not found for me either

yes, it can be found here. that crazy mac ilife thing made a whole separate website for the one video.

i’m downloading it right now;)