My First 100 Mile Ride!

Whatever you’ve got for me to read, let it fly. :slight_smile:

Yepzors, see you at RTL!

oh, and Joe, what’s 100:10:1? That doesn’t fit any known grammar (at least to me)!

Well congrats on the great ride and great write up/read chuckaeronut. :smiley:

Keep it up too also. :smiley:

100 miles, 10 hours, 1 wheel. Unsupported is best.


Great post!

We pre-Coker folks are hungry for this stuff. Anyway, we’re much hungrier for these slice-of-life posts than for lukewarm sweat tacos.

Thanks for posting chuckaeronut!

Great job! Welcome to the 100 mile club.

Riding most of it at night is impressive, only about 25% of my 100 mile ride was at night on a cycle trail, but it was the last 25% and it was very cold! I didn’t really hit the wall on my ride, but I think that is because I took a little bit longer and made sure to remain fueled through bananas and energy gel. Did you have anything during the ride that was a fast energy source?

What size cranks were you running?

I’ll see you at RTL (and your KH/Schlumpf 36!!!)

Hey congrat’s on your ride. Pretty decent pace too.

Don’t forget to sign yourself into the 100mile club:

See you at RTL


Heheh, on my ride, I ate that big sub, six tacos, two granola bars, a bean/cheese burrito, and two spicy chicken sandwiches. Pretty lame diet if you ask me. If I were more serious I’d make myself have a better diet. :slight_smile:

I was on 125mm cranks for the ride, too. Can’t believe I didn’t say that, with all the other crap I said!

BTW, w00t for RTL! See you all there!

Chuck man, you are crazy!

Who is on your team for RTL?


i want to do a 100 mile ride really bad but…

  1. I’m the only one who unicycles that lives close to me that…
    a. is a good enough rider
    b. is strong enough
    c. has enough stamina
  2. I don’t have a coker or chain guard for my GUni(homemade)
  3. riding around a track is boring
  4. my dad doesn’t want me to go alone

if in the near future i have everything I need I may do a 100 mile ride, but it doesn’t look so good for me.

Thanks for the great write up! It’s good to know what a fit rider on a good unicycle can do. This is useful for my own planning too.

Do you think the bonk after the first 100k or so could have been avoided with different pacing or nutrition?

Good job!

Good Job.

Please post pictures of the tacos.

Congratulations. That’s an amazing achievement.

I still remember my first 100 mile ride… is something I have yet to do.:o

I’d do the ride with you, but you’ll need to get a real coker. Your homemade guni is cool, but it’s not reliable enough (remember the charity event?) and you don’t want it to fall apart 50 miles from home!

Nice writeup. Also your JavaScript photo viewer is quite beautiful. Made from scratch? I need something like that…

Anyway I noticed you complaining a lot about your camera so I tried to analyze one of your photos to see what kind of EXIF data it contained. Unfortunately all of this was stripped when you converted it for Web so I don’t know your camera brand/model, shutter speeds used, etc.

Most point-and-shoot cameras have tiny image sensors, about 1/4" across. They need a lot of light and usually operate at ISO 50 or 100. The camera doesn’t know when you want a fast shutter speed unless you buy one with different shooting modes or (better yet) manual controls. If your camera has a “sport” mode it should speed up the shutter, but this may be at the expense of ISO (grainy).

Motion blur is not a bad thing Photos containing motion should have some sort of blur in them or there is no sense of motion. In most of your examples the blurry road looked just the way I thought it should. :slight_smile:

@Tyler and Terry: You guys are both easily within 100 miles of me! We should ride somewhere, and soon!

@boisei, yeah, I think my bonk could’ve been solved by me eating and drinking more lightly (i.e. not fast food chicken junk, but powerbars and gel and a banana or two) more consistently throughout the ride. I was going pretty strong until the 70 mile mark, and after the hill climb, I wasn’t the same. I could still ride just fine, but not with an “effortless” 14-15mph spin like before.

… and @John, yeah, I complain about my PnS camera too much, I know :], it’s because I have a DSLR (EOS 40D) that would have OWNED all those night shots. I also like the motion blur in the shadow pictures (thanks you :)), but I was astonished that it was there, because I had no choice! That’s as fast as it would possibly get in ISO 50. (And I only know it was ISO 50 because that’s what it defaults to in daylight). Some of the night pics are ISO 200, and the noise is just unbearable. You get what you pay for, and carry, though! :slight_smile:

Also… I can give you a copy of everything you need to crank some of your own photos into that viewer, if you want! If you’ve got Photoshop, you’re set. If not… then, in order for others to use it, I have to write a little program that will take your files and save new ones at different sizes and with reflections. It just involves running an action on your photos that save them with the right names and into the right directories, and then you go into the index.html file and type in the number of photos in the line of code where it’s specified. (clearly visible!). It’s quite a manual, tedious process, actually, due to the fact that you have to rename them all yourself, separate out the vertical/horizontal photos, etc… because I specifically wanted no back end database, and want each “photo viewer” to be statically movable and copyable and able to be put anywhere and have it work.

I’m actually wanting to make a new photoviewer that’ll be with much better code, because this one is HACKED. It started out as a frameset that reloaded an entirely different HTML page for each photo, and I just changed what I needed to change, little by little, to get it like that. I go back and look at some of the code and think “what the heck was I THINKING!??”. Hopefully when I do that I’ll also streamline the put-it-together process. Heckers, all the HTML and JS source code is in that single HTML file! It’s something like 140 kilobytes.

Chuck, quite an inspiring ride. I hope to have one of my own posted soon, though it won’t be nearly as beautiful as your locale. Also, I agree with John. That photo viewer made the experience all the more enjoyable.

So, what does it feel like to do 100 miles? Does it give you a feel of accomplishment or a waste of time? I think it would be nice if did it, but given my non-existing sport history and lack of fitness, I doubt it…I do have my whole life ahead:D

Not to mention the yummy sandwich at the start…makes up for all the trouble :roll_eyes:

Thanks for the interesting description of your ride! I was just wondering if you used some headlight after dark.

It feels quite freaking awesome to do 100 miles, and if you allocate the time and chose to spend it riding your Coker, it feels far from a waste. :slight_smile:

No headlight, but I ddddeefinitely had a taillight. There was a 7/8 moon out, so I had plenty of light to do what I needed.

Big yummy sandwiches before rides are always good! :slight_smile: