Thought I’d try to connect with the younger generation, the teen crowd, you know, be hip, start a thread of uselessness and waste bandwidth.
Hey, this feels pretty good. I must look ten years younger already.
My favorite: Scrambled with sausage, mushrooms, sliced green olives, and shredded cheese all mixed in prior to cooking (which would make it not an omlet, right?). Spices include garlic, pepper, and celery salt. I consider celery salt the wonder spice…or flavor enhancer or whatever you call it.
Served either on a buttered English muffin draped with a slice of American cheese or rolled into a warm tortilla shell, again with a slice of American cheese.
All enjoyed with a hot cup of black coffee in front of the on the computer screen.
I do the scramble “in-pan”, meaning I don’t beat the eggs in a bowl before adding them to the pan. The rough mixture of whites and yolks makes for a much nicer texture than the homogeneous result that comes from pre-scrambling.
My runners up:
Scrambled with green onions and chopped, fried Spam.
Egg-in-the-nest (fried within a slice of bread, a.k.a. egg-in-the-basket)
Poached (eggs benedict, anyone?)
When I go camping, I love to make a leftover scramble for breakfast. I chop up the previous night’s leftovers then scramble them with eggs… last weekend I had a sesame chicken and bean sprout scramble with fried rice. Wow, that was good!
For some reason plain white rice makes for a nice addition to a scramble. It does well to reduce the “eggy” taste while increasing the belly-filling capability of the dish.
Click it yourself. Why do you need our help with such things? You’re a grown man!