My fast shoe tieing vid. pretty cool, i think.

Here is how i tie my shoes. Pretty awesome, and fast. I sent it to i hope it makes the vids on the main page :). Tell me what you think. :):slight_smile:

Click the ‘Tie yo shoos foo’’ vid link. Thats the only link i have to it now since i cant get a gallery and i dont have it anywhere else but there for now. :slight_smile:

haha, oops. i screwed up loosejello, sorry. haha


Here is an easier way to get to the video.

Re: My fast shoe tieing vid. pretty cool, i think.

You cheated you didn’t do over under in and out.

That way is too hard, hahaha

Will you come tie my shoes pweez?

Wow… thats a very… um… useful skill

Re: My fast shoe tieing vid. pretty cool, i think.

My modem leapt out from my computer, crawled into the corner, curled up in a ball and sat there rocking back and forth moaning softly to itself when it saw the size of the file. So I’ll take your word for it.

Anyway, for all who think that they already know how to tie their shoes:

Re: Re: My fast shoe tieing vid. pretty cool, i think.

You can save yourself the download. The knot in the video is the Ian Knot in the link you linked.

I like Ian’s page of shoelace knots. Tying a good shoelace knot is important for unicyclists because proper knots stay tight. Knots that stay tight are less likely to get caught in the pedal or crank. Unicyclists don’t like it when their shoelace gets caught.

I do a weird knot that’s not even on Ian’s big page of knots. It stays tight and doesn’t slip, but it may not be as secure as the more standard shoelace knots. It’s probably time that I unlearned that knot and did one of the more standard shoelace knots.

Just make sure that you’re not making a slip knot or granny knot when tying your shoe. That’s a bad knot for a unicyclist.

Getting your laces caught in a griaffe chain dosent always turn out good eithor.

that is flippin trippin!! I’m totally totally gonna learn to do that!! someone did that at an XC meet, and I was all GAAAH! SHOW ME HOW but it was magic so he didn’t (not really) but he still didn’t, but now I know the secret! YES!

F YEAH!! I can DO it!! this is the coolest thing I can do, cooler than unicycling, cooler than Rubiks Cubing, cooler than magic, C’EST SUPER-COOL! too bad I’m not wearing shoes to school tomorrow, or I could show all my friends my new trick… :frowning: but I have new duct tape sandals, which have no shoe laces. 'stoo bad.

So what do all us people with no feet do? Tie other peoples shoes?.. Selfish fools…

That’s how I do my laces from since I was 5 or so!
If I try it the common way… the knot does’nt stay a knot.

And because of unicycling, I have since years the habit to ALWAYS put my laces in my shoe.

You have a great future as either a kindergarten teacher or a soccer coach.


thats hott

Im glad you guys like it, i think its cool too. and to you guys who can do it…sweet. :slight_smile: so many people are like, i dont get it. and i was going to do it like step by step in the vid, but i cant show you, that gives it away. but yes the ian-knot site is where i learned it. and that libery knot which is pretty slick. =-O sweet guys, thanks for viewing.

Dang that was funny, i had to try that, i got it once, but your pro at that!

Okay, now it’s time to go into fast t-shirt folding

That was really cool. I’m going to have to show my wife that one.

OH SNAP SON!!! : { O