My experience of going from 20'trials to 29'touring!


So for just under half a year, i have been riding trials with my kh20 and have even done some light commuting (under 1 mile). I thought I could get pretty fast and speed with it.

And then I got a nimbus29 with the kh t-bar and man riding is so different! After 3-4 days of practicing a bit each day, I can ride somewhat nimbly, much faster, and am getting the hang of free mounting. I think I adjusted to it fairly fast. (going up hills is a burden though on 125mm. 115m cranks is blazing fast!)

Just recently (after 4 days of riding the 29), i tried riding my 20’ trials for the first time and I CANT EVEN RIDE IT ANYMORE! It was so embarassing!!
I could bare free mount. I could NOT rolling mount. I couldnt even ride smoothly. I was hopping all over the place. It was a complete and almost new experience, like learning how to walk after being immobilized for 4 months.
AND I LIKE IT =] Makes me remember the glory days!

so lesson of my foolish rantings is for those of you ride a 20 to a 29, be prepared for a radical change! and 29’ is so fun to ride!!



unicycling is the best.

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