Hello, here is my hat collection. Does anyone else collect hats?
i do… but i dont have a camera…
I would, but unfortuanately I was born with a severly larger head than the average joe, so I have yet to find a hat that fits me. When looking for a bike helmet, the clerk at the bike store found me the largest helmet they had. He put it on my head, and decided to inform me that, “You have a large cranium.” As if I didn’t already know that. So if anyone knows where one can get larger than average hats, maybe I’ll start my own collection.
i do not have a collection of hats, but i do have that hat on the bottom right!!!
But I do have a collection of MAD magazines!!! A very large one.
I’ve seen some hats on ebay from Jamiaca that are larger than normal to hold dreads, I’m not sure how it might look/fit on you but the hat it self looks cool;)
I have a large (a good meter stack) collection of New Scientists, does that count?.. Yes, I know the answer already…