I go to school at SUNY Oswego and i enjoy riding my coker to class as much as I can no matter what the weather or ground conditions. I even rode it to all my exams last semester. On the day of my Biostat final exam i woke up an hour after the exam start time. I flew out of bed and rode my coker full speed to the exam and seeing as i don’t trust locking my coker up outside with the bikes i brought it into the exam with me. I took the exam in the remaining hour and left. a semester later my biostat prof. approaches me in the hallway and says he has an exam from my class to show me. I stopped by his office today and this is what he had to show me. this is an actual page of a girl in my class’ final exam.
Thats freakin AWESOME
And she left out the part about how he arrived more than an hour late, and actually attempted to answer those questions she blew off!
Maybe she should’ve been looking at her exam and not out the window.
I hope you both got extra credit!
Edit: And this really should have been posted this in RSU. You can’t get much more Unicycle than this.
Maybe this wasn’t clear, the unicyclist was me. haha she was in the exam with me.
Hahah wow that is hilarious and quite a good drawing! Her mind was BLOWN.
Ah, missed the part about bringing it inside.
Those questions aren’t difficult.
Were you able to finish the exam in an hour?
Yup finished right as time was up. My professor actually asked me if I was able to finish and said he was willing to give me an extra half hour if i needed it.
This made my day. Perfect.
haha very funny
bahahaha! Awesome!
That is a girl you want to get with. =p
Hhaa. Awesome.
She has a future as a cartoon artist which means she may be waiting tables after college.
What did you guys get for question 9?
Yes, that was clear. Amazing! This is what the word AWESOME was invented for.
Yes, but then I would have never seen it.
a) 57
b) 42
Don’t you know the answer?
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