My best friend and riding partner Brew, October 2003 - March 7, 2010


Some of you know Brew or have at least seen a few clips of him in videos, so I thought I’d post this here. I am really, really, really sad to say that my best friend and most faithful riding partner, my dog Brew, passed away from Cancer today, in the arms of my wife Shannon and myself and with the help of the vet. This came on really quickly - we only learned about it last Monday.

He had a wonderful last weekend. Yesterday we rode trials at the beach, and today we basically covered the most fun things we do together in one day - a ride on the North Shore, followed by a hike in the the alpine in the snow, and then not one but two trips to the beach.

But today Brew’s cancer made him completely unable to go to the bathroom, and it was clear his quality of life was decreasing really quickly. So we had to make a very hard choice, and he never made it home. He passed away filthy dirty and soaking wet, just like we know he would like it.

Kris and Shannon.

Sorry to hear it, Kris. I got to ride with Brew a couple of times. He was a talented unicycle accompanist and a sweetheart of a pooch.

Sorry to hear that Kris.

Our old dog passed away last year, was with us 17 years, very sad that he is not around any more.

:frowning: sorry man

It sounds like you shared some great years and last weekend with him. A lot to cherish there.


I am literally in tears after reading about your loss Kris. I am heartened and so happy knowing that Brew had such a wonderful, charmed life with so much love and devotion from his family.

Putting my own dog down was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. Although it felt like a betrayal, I know it was the right thing to do. You did the best thing you could have done, today and during the past 7 years.
My condolences.


We had a similar experience with our Bailey last year. But he was almost 14, and basically died of being an old dog. It was no easier putting him to sleep when the time came though. We are sorry for your loss.

Man… I am so sorry! My dog Boone left me on 2/7/06 and my 13 year old cat Beta left on 2/23/10. Both as a result of cancer; I am thinking about starting an “F-Cancer” campaign where unicyclists and cyclists do a ride (maybe have rides all over N. America at the same time) to honor any living being who has died of cancer.
One of my good friends lost his best bud to cancer 2/7/10 and he and I have been talking about organizing such an event. He organizes cyclg events in Colorado.
I’ll keep you all posted
One thing I do to keep my fallen friends with me is to take something if theirs when I go riding. Boone’s collar is wrapped around my MUni seatpost. Both of their actual paw prints are tattooed on my chest. It’s hard when you bond so strongly to a living being and they leave you… Just know, it’s hard for us, but their pain and suffering is over. Honor Brew’s memory, tell his story, you never know who/what it may inspire in others.

Thanks so much for the support. It is really hard! Here are a couple of photos of Brew on his last ride on the North Shore, the day he passed away.


I’m sorry 'bout that. He was a so sweet dog. :frowning:


My condolences.

I’m not a pet owner but love animals. I always enjoyed seeing Brew in the video’s. To me he was as much a part of the unicylcling community as all of the riders out there.

I will miss him. :frowning:

That got me too.

I lost my boarder collie of 14 years a few years ago. Its good you were with Brew through to the very end.

You are a hero to do what you did Kris, it must have been so hard. Brew was rippin it to the very end :slight_smile: RIP Brew

Sorry to hear about your loss Kris, Looks like you had a good ride partner.
RIP Brew:(

Holy smokes, that is terribly sad news Kris. I wish you guys well through this hard time.


It looks like Brew had the best possible buddy. Sorry for your loss.

Sounds like he had a heck of a life :slight_smile: So sorry it had to end this way :frowning:

You gave him the best life possible, and I think that’s all you can do.

Losing a pet is one of the worst feelings possible, and I will think of Brew when I ride tomorrow!:frowning:

Dam it :frowning: That really sucks Kris.

I have two dogs and love them unconditionally. I dread the day they’ll pass on…

All the best.

From another dog lover… sorry about your loss. They give us SO much and ask so little in return. Man he must had fun chasing and leading you on your rides. My dog in North Carolina loved our hikes.

One day he was running around the way dogs do in the woods. Jumping here, racing there. Anyway there was this creek completely choked with leaves. He thought it was solid and aimed for the middle to then jump to the other side… yep all the way in over his head! The look on his face as he was going down was priceless. It’s not often a dog looks that startled ,or embarrassed when he climbed out soaked in smelly rotten leaf water.

Anyway thanks for sharing about Brew. The loss of a cherished pet is never easy