My 9 week old puppy got run over!

Yesterday, as my husband was about to take my 2 children to school, our 9 week old puppy walked under our minivan, and my husband didnt know he was there and backed out and ran over him with the front tire.
Both my children were in the van and heard the puppy. They all got out of the van and discovered he had been backed over.
This was very hard on our whole family because the puppy was a birthday present from us for his 6th birthday just 6 days before this happened. My daughter is 11, and was also devistated. I just wanted to share this sad episode with my Unicycle friends, because anyone who has children, and loves their pet knows how it hurts!:frowning:

Aww man. I’m really sorry to hear about this.

my 17yo dog got run over and she died.
get a new dog ASAP


I would say don’t get it asap. Wait, let the children go through the grieving process without a new dog. I had a dog that died, I knew it for about 4 years. If the current dog I had died though I have no idea what I would do, He is awsome.
I am so sorry about this.

I am so sorry for you and your kids…to put it simply, that sucks. A lot.

I agree with habbywall about the grieving process though…

I’m nick by the way.

I feel your pain, red rider. Our family has had to bury 2 dogs, 4 cats, 2 budgies, a mouse and ceremoniously flush down the toilet a countless myriad of fish…

Its hard, especially when you havent even had the chance to really appreciate a new addition to the family


That is just heart wrenchingly aweful. And that is such a horrible thing for your kids to experience, I mean it would be better if he passed away from some less greusome cause like sickness or something… Very sad. :frowning:

I think it’s odd that you’re more sad that you lost a pet than took a life because of carelessness. Think you feel bad? Think about getting run over by something thousands of times your weight.

I’d kill my father if he killed my dog. And I’d kill my dog if he killed my father. THen I’d probably end up killing myself or something stupid.


You can take it like this… it’s a learning experience about death for your children, and when they are ready they can get another puppy.

i cyber hug you. loosing a pet is the worst, especially when their only a new addition. Our suburban, right on main street, house is littered with graves everywhere. We even have a celebrity; My first ever cat, Parker (off the thunderbirds) starred in one of the old whiskers food pyrimid ads, the one were the cat walked down the steps and licked himslef in the very egyption setting. He lived the high life and, i kid you not, contracted aids and died last year.

I agree to not getting another pet right now, it’d be a bad idea.

wow, run over with the kids in the car? thats the worst possible way to lose a pet. must be horrible. i lost my dog to cancer 3 months ago.

i totally agree!

a 9 week old puppy has no idea of the dangers this world presents and this horrible act is all on you and your husband…puppys need to be watched all the time, at all times!

if you are looking for simpathy here, you will get non from me, and please do not get another dog untill you read, research and realise that i am 100% correct.

my cat got run over a few years ago twice.:frowning: he died

I don’t agree. Keep them in a cage. Then you don’t have to watch them all the time. That is what crates are for.

The fact that carelessness was a contributing factor to the pets loss only makes it all the more hard to deal with. Not only did you loose the dog, you have the quilt that in some way you contributed to that. Nothing that anyone here says will be harder on them than they are likely to be on themselves. This is likely the kind of thing that doesn’t require being chastised for.

My Dad recently had a similiar situation, and his dog of three years got off his leash and ran into the street. He was run over right in front of him. This wasn’t the first time, and my Dad knows he was partially to blame. I didn’t need to tell him it was his fault to make him feel worse.

my dog got run over 3 years ago and I show it. It was sad.

Thanks to all my unicycling friends for your support. It is good to have this group when times are good and bad.
As for the few that have contempt for me or my husband, he couldnt have felt worse, and he has felt sad and very guilty for quite some time.
We are very responsible pet owners, and will be getting another puppy for our son very soon!!!