My 1st Coker injury !!

Howdy all!

I finally did it! I fell off the Coker. I knew it had to happen at some point.

I was cycling home from work, I took a detour through the park, wisely avoiding the skatepark. Got on to a new flat piece of tarmac, ooh it’s smooth! Attempt one-footed, succeed! Fail to get foot back on pedal, fall off front of Coker, land on old rough bit of tarmac (centimetres from the new stuff!).

Didn’t hurt too much, my main fear was hurting my collar-bone (which I broke 2 months ago), so I kinda slapped the ground with my hands and absorbed some of the shock, but my legs folded underneath me and I skidded along on the side of my lower leg.

My hands were a bit stingy after but they cooled down quickly. My leg however started to sting halfway home. And is still stinging.

I got off and looked at it, woah! It’s like a motorcycle injury! Scraped/rubbed/burnt. ouch. And I ruined my work trousers.

I took fotos before and after washing the injury. After cleaning it started to seep. nice.

I guess I should wear my shin-pads on the Coker if I’m going to try and go one-footed on it.

Just thought I would share this with you all as I’m quite proud of it, and glad that I’ve finally fallen off the Coker, without ending up in hospital!


Before cleaning:

After cleaning.

Check out the seepage!


Trousers ruined good and proper.

The gash on my knee is right over the gash that has just healed from when I did my collar-bone. That’s gonna be an interesting looking knee when (if) it heals.

Ach well.



How fast were you going with the one-footed riding? When I one-foot with the Coker I keep the speed down to an easy walk out if I UPD.

I thought I was going slowly, I have done what you said in the past. I’d been practising one-foot earlier today and had got it sussed (or so I thought).

I usually sit at about 12mph without thinking about it, so I reckon I was doing something between 5 and 10 when I fell.

It’s easier to go one-footed fast but way scarier!

I fell cos I went down a slight slope and when I put my other foot into place the pedal wasn’t where I was expecting it to be (cos I was rolling downhill)

But I still aint too hot at riding the Coker slowly, it just wants to go fast!!

I ride it with 152’s if anyone is interested.


Good fall, Tom, and thanks for the photos. I doubt if your collarbone will ever break in the same place. This probably won’t be your last fall but I hope it’s your last injury.

o my gosh dude my stomach sank when i saw that. man that must have been painful. hope you heal up quick.

ooooh, nice one!! congratulations on your first fall (: I have yet to fall on my coker, but I haven’t even begun to try doing anything more difficult than riding backwards yet, which I’m still afraid to do very much q-:

I thought cokers were made for distance riding, silly me :frowning:

Thanks very much. And no worries. As soon as I saw it I went “ooooooh, forum!”

This certainly won’t be my last fall/injury, I’m off for some Muni today! First time in over two months.

They are, but you’ve gotta mix it up some! ( But wear some kind of leg protection when you do!)

Thanks very much.

It didn’t really hurt when I did it, but gawd it stang all night in bed, and is still stinging. stingy sting. I’m a have to wrap it in cling film so’s I can get my 661’s on for Muni today!!


Reminds me of my bicycling youth :smiley:

Still, I am glad that nothings broken.


I was at my folks last weekend and showed my Ma the scarring from when I fell off the Coker, cos I had emailed her a linkto this thread so she could see it. She was pretty shocked at the state of my legs from unicycling. I told her someone’s (I can’t remember who) sig-line, “Scars are tattoos with more interesting storys/stories(?)”

So I thought I’d share it with you too.

Nice, eh?

I like the really dark patches on my knee. The bit of the wound that was deepest has left the skin all bumpy, I think the hair follicles(?) are now a bit closer to the edge of my skin.

Only took about two months to heal properly. If this is properly.


Buncha sadists…
