Took a chance to see if my cat, Morty - now almost 17! - would even be interested in walking/running on a Cat exercise wheel! Been researching them and found a great used one, and my friend was nice enough to drive me the 100 mile round trip to pick it up in his truck.
There are tons of videos of cats - mostly Bengals - running, and even GALLOPING all-out on these wheels. Of course, they’re all much younger than Morty, who turns 17 in about a month. So I had my doubts that he would even go near it. To my amazement, within the first few minutes he was walking on it as if it was his normal routine! And just a little while later, he was running on the wheel after a teaser toy! I think it really helps that he’s so healthy, fit and active as it is, but with such a small house, he needed a way to be able to run to his heart’s content.
Only wish I’d thought of this years ago. So now Morty has become a “uni-cyclist” in his own right! Like father like cat, haha!
You definitely win that round by being first. Now for a lame response:
“Probably on the back, connected to a belt that’s connected to a motor or something…”
I love the audio in the video. I’m pretty sure Terry is getting more out of that whole experience than Morty is. Morty is probably trying to figure out why he can’t catch the toy; why Terry is messing with him.
Other wheel indeed, Morty has a unicycle! A 36", apparently. Or a monocycle I guess. Yes, if you want to see some classic, hideous 1990s Web design (someplace other than my own Website), check out Pet Zones! You’ll see they come in 36" 48" sizes.
Morty’s wheel is 48" and it was indeed made by Petzones. Although their website design may look archaic, the product is top flight and of amazing quality and workmanship. And yes, Morty’s wheel sells new for a whopping $879, but I was lucky enough to snap his up in brand new condition for $100.
This was shot today and it’s not only Morty’s longest continuous wheel-run, but he actually breaks into a ‘gallop’ a couple times! After this was shot he kept going back to the wheel multiple times on his own, each time running as fast as he could. It’s as if he’s saying, “Where has this wheel been all my life!?”
He must be the fastest and fittest 17 year old cat in the world!