My 10-Year Anniversary of Uni Today!

I’ve been unicycling for 10 years! 10 years ago today, I got my first uni from the pile of old bikes at the garbage transfer station of my hometown (Sanbornton, New Hampshire), and started learning how to ride. 10 years, woo7! :smiley:

Mazel Tov!

Hey, I just posted my 1st post moments ago…and what’s it about?..finding an old unicycle at the dump. (transfer station)

In 10 years you can find this thread, quote the first post, and add:



Welcome aboard! Hope yours isn’t too small with a seat made of ductape :wink:


What about the date is memorable? Is it just unicycling or is there something else about the date that makes you remember?

It was Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, so I was home from college :wink: If you want to be technical, the 12th is the 10-year anniversary, but the Saturday is easier to remember, 'cause that was Dump Day :wink:

Happy Anniversary!

Wow ten years is a pretty long time. Good job.

Cool. Where are all your sweet vids?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Evillenick on YouTube of :wink: (Some not suitable for youngin’s ;))

I wonder if your wife appreciated that haiku?? :wink:

She was standing behind me when I said it, and I’m still married :wink:

Happy anniversary! Any detailed account of achievements in the 10 years?

Happy anniversary.
And well done on remembering.

To be honest, with my attention span, it’s amazing I learned to ride, let alone progress to muni :wink: Accomplishments are small, but fun, technical muni, 5 ft drops, 180 uni spins, backwards riding, 8k non-stop rides…

Give me a couple years, so I can brag about my son’s accomplishments rather than my own (once he’s old enough for a uni ;))