Mutant Big Wheel Bicycle

Interesting wheels. The dude writes in the comment field: “I had the rims rolled, and had a motorcycle shop make the spokes. The tire is made from hose.”

I thought unicycles were risky.
This one can’t turn corners, and can’t stop.

Interesting - but they have a lot more hard work to do before it is finished.

That is true the ratio wheel/rider is good :smiley:

I like how you can loop around the axle :stuck_out_tongue:

It would be even funnier if it were to float on a lake !

It needs a third wheel in the middle to stop the sagging. I’m pretty surprised at how well it cornered at low speed but I don’t think it would work when going fast.

It looks like turning is controlled by brakes. So it can turn. And of course it can stop, but if you want to stay right side up the braking distance is not great!

They need a better name though. In the language we nerds use around here, you could call it a Sociable Tandem Dicycle. A Dicycle is a name we use for a unicycle the wheels next to each other. Not a unicycle, you say? Well, of course not if it has two wheels. So it works for this vehicle. Sociable Tandem was a bike from the late 1800s where the two riders sat side by side, with the front and back wheels along the centerline of the bike. They work!