Music download programs?

Try instead. It’s free. Here’s a list of BitTorrent sites. There’s also Loki Torrent

I don’t do a lot of Bit Torrent downloading, but I did use it during the election season to get TV shows about the election.

eMule, eMule Plus, and Shareza are open source projects at SourceForge. They’re more of a volunteer effort and not a for profit company. That means there is not the desire for profit that drives the commercial vendors to bundle in spyware and adware. Since the projects are open source the full source code is available. If they did bundle in adware it could easily be removed, and someone would distribute an adware free version just because they have the source and that they can.

You still need to be careful with the open source projects. There have been versions of Shareza and Azureus released that do contain spyware (or worse). But those are not official versions and are released by people trying to trick or scam people. The safe thing to do is always download the programs from the official web page for the project. If you download it from some other site you may get a hacked version. Since the full source code is available it is very easy for scammers to create a hacked version.

You can find the project home pages by searching

Trust no one and always be careful.


I do enjoy linking stuff to porn sites as well but you have to watch that on these boards. It seems your addiction to pornography is out of control, you arnt even linking things intentionally anymore. I think we need to all step in and have an intervention for you, I know you can kick that porn habbit if you just have a few friends to help. :wink:

Yea make sure you get the .org there are tons of places to download torrents from besides supernova. Just have to look around a bit to find what you want.

Well we all know the real reason why P2P apps are so popular, and it isn’t because of the music.

How ironic. Downloading passion of christ? Man you are gonna die a horrible death…loL just joking :smiley:


T3H PR0N???

I use WinMX… only for the music!
I havnt used any other program, but have no complaints about WinMX. Ive almost filled my (mini) Ipod :smiley:

Ive been playing about with Audioscrobbler which Phil told me about.
I didnt know it had anything to do with Tree brother though! That is cool! :slight_smile:


K++ (Kazaa Lite) suposedly not able to download free anymore but you can if you look hard enough.

Search Google for “Clean Kazaa” Some rebundled it with no spyware. Completey clean.
Make sure you first use “Kazza Begone”
if you have already installed Kazaa.

file extensions

After making a note of all the web addresses in this thread I though I’d have a go at getting some music, but I’m very wary of downloading unwanted stuff unwittingly.

John Childs said:

So I’ve looked around, but I can’t find out how to do this. Any pointers from John or anyone else?

Re: file extensions

In an explorer window choose “Folder Options” from the Tools menu, click the “view” tab and clear a box called “Hide file extensions for known file types”.

This is Windows 2000; your OS may vary a bit…


Thanks, Phil. It worked in XP. Now for those (safe) downloads…

So what do you think I should get? I have bearshare but I don’t like it, so I was looking for something that is:


Any recommendations are greatly appreciated

I personally love Ares:

Just be careful not to install their bundled adware during the install. There is supposedly a checkbox that you have to clear to keep the adware from installing. I’ve never used it or installed it so I can’t say for sure.

Yeah, that’s true, forget to mention it. I accidentally forget to uncheck it while downloading it on this computer, but then later ununstalled it and did it properly without too much damage.

I still have yet to see a program that beats Limewire. Mostly because Limwire users can search thorugh, not only, other LW users but people on Kazaa and Bearshare etc… But then again may have a different set of standards when it comes to P2P software…

  1. Easy to use/ No Adware
  2. Wide range of songs and quick DL speeds
  3. Easy RIAA blockage

All three are equal on my list as far order of importance goes, and LW has all of those features, but Kazaa, Morpheus, WinMX, KazaaLite, and various torrents have yet to satisfy me.

Off Topic: I don’t see the big deal with buying an Ipod is these days, other than for people like me. I have 1000+ songs and no Mp3 Player. I need one. I am thinking about getting a 30gb mps player for $199, its not an Ipod but is identical other than no middle wheel. A painful scroll wheel on the side.

That website doesn’t work. Can I get it anywhere else?

Also, is it just for downloading movies and games? Because I need somethin that is for music also.


Unless Limewire has changed a lot recently, I remember reading that it does have some nasties in it. Use caution. It might be one of the programs that can be damaged by Ad Aware.

Hey Catboy. I have a squeaky toy of your avatar. I bought it at a 100 yen store in Tokyo. Now it’s in my dog’s (Bailey) stocking for Christmas. He loves squeaker toys, but destroys them too fast. Do you know that cat’s name?

Doraemon, a robot cat from the 24th century come back in time to save the world!!!

Oh and LW has changed not a bit of adware on the thing. In 4months I have yet to have any problems with any of that junk.
