Muscle Pain

Yesterday i built a practice unicycle and practiced tricks for like 3 hours on that. Then for like another 10 hours i practiced 360 unispins and 180flips! Im so, so, so sore today. I can barely lift my leg over my fan cord in my room it hurts that bad. This is insane, i have to leave for Alberta soon. Any of you guys get this after a long, hard and seriousx day of unicycling. Let me know how you recoverd. =)

Cheers. KyleM

You recover by getting younger. You get sore like that when you get old. Welcome to geezerville. You’re now officially old. There is no cure. It is terminal. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just gotta wait, do some warmups and stretch.

I think i will prolly relax all day, waiting impatiently for my unicycle to arrive. Stupid mail!

The real solution is to not overdo it in one day. Don’t suddenly ramp up your riding or suddenly go on a long or challenging ride. Train up to that level of effort. Stretching and warm ups and warm downs can also help. As with drinking enough fluids and making sure you don’t run low on electrolytes.

Getting a leg massage is also nice. That’s one of the perks of being a professional road cyclist. They get a good rubdown after a ride. And that’s for a good reason.

A reason that older folks get sore is because weekend warrior syndrome sets in after you’re done with school and have to work during the week. That leaves the weekends free for training and rides. That’s not enough to keep the body in training mode. So the muscles get sore. That’s the plight of the weekend warrior. Have fun while you’re young and have the free time.

remind me of when i had irritable hip
i had something just llike the ,might pay to do some reading

most of the pains gone now, it did hurt tho!

10 hours! sounds great fun but I’m not suprised your legs hurt :stuck_out_tongue: