I am on this team in school and we have to do stuff about the stock market, so while looking up some stocks it said Blacon Johnson Muni, so i bought some becuase i thought it was about unicycling and it was doing good. I then kept looking and found another thing with MUNI in the name, so is MUNI have to do anything with stocks…?
Re: MUNI Stocks?
Muni Bonds = Municipal Bonds
bonds != stocks
apparently, randomly selecting stocks is better than most mutual funds… so you’ll probably do OK with your method.
True, but if I’m not mistaken, closed end mutual funds trading as equities on exchanges may have as their investment strategy the holding of various municipal bonds and hence bear the name Munis, even if they are themselves not munis.
Not much to do with unicycling. If it’s spelled “MUni,” then you should have higher expectations of unicycles being involved.
So in your education about the stock market, is there anything about how to choose a stock, other than by making guesses about the name? I assume you tried it based on its track record, which makes more sense.