Muni help

Im new really to unicycling. And have a muni 24". Can you please give me advice on juming of drops. Advice on how to land successfully as I have tried but my foot gets caught in front of the pedal.


  1. Start smaller
  2. Grippy shoes? Grippy pedals?
  3. For useful answers, provide more information or post a video.

Seems like the best possible advice to me.
What happens when you jump off a 1" drop? 2"? 3"?.. n"?

If your problems don’t occur on smaller drops, find the shortest height at which they do. Practice there and fine tune.

Disclaimer: My highest drop is probably about 8" while riding muni. I’ve never really sought out situations for dropping. But the logic of building your skills from easy to more difficult should still hold.


And start with static drops. Rolling drops are more difficult especially when riding quite fast.

Its like if i hope of something it could be my cranks are not at 18o degrees to each other and thats maybe why i fall or get my leg caught. Could this be the probelm should I hold the unicycle tighter to keep control?

I will have to practice alot.

Thanks for helpin me everyone

You should only be jumping when your pedals are horizontal.

If you are working on static hops make sure you first stop entirely before you try jumping.

The advice you’ve been given is great, start small.

Of course the original advice is accurate when you’re a Muni beginner but with practice you learn to “roll drop” and make the needed revolution during the air time to land whith your cranks in the proper position (and then keep rolling)

Yeah this is what I will have to learn. I suppose i will have to keep practicin. Its just so hard to learn when u are the only person ya know that does this sport really. Its really like the way dan heaton got started

Dan had access to the Uniques Unicycle Club. Are you from the Seattle area? If you are, you have access to nearby clubs too. If not, you still have access to hours of video clips showing all sorts of riding. Not nearly as good as the real thing, but way more instructive than anything we can write here.

im from uk. But thanks for ur help just practice practice practice i suppose


Shame on you AGAIN John for encouraging people who post in the wrong forum.