Muni Accident -- So Cal

Huge bummer. Our friend Jim (Munivision) took a bad fall at the end of our ride today and suffered three compression fractures to his upper back. Lucky for us he’s tough as nails - he walked the last mile of trail, under his own power, in horrendous pain and 95-degree heat. I would have hailed a medivac.

His wife called me the emergency room with the bad news and I trust any encouraging words might make a painful situation a bit better. Jim is not only great people but a super avid Muni guy who often organizes rides for all the So Cal guys. We’ll miss him while he recovers (quickly, I hope).


ouch hope u fell better

Sorry to hear about the accident, Munivision. Heal quickly and enjoy the ice cream.

(Kinda ironic he was talking about health insurance in that thread about Terry’s new KH just today. Glad he has it!)

:slight_smile: let me fix that for you…but I do hope you fall better lol

I just talked to Jim’s (munivision) mother-in-law and she told me the Dr. said he did suffer a fracture in the lower back…that’s all I could find out as Jim’s at the hospital now having tests done.

Jim is my friend and we both started riding Muni together a little over a year ago, and if anyone can pull through something like this, it definitely Jim! Get better soon!:slight_smile:

Even though I have never met Jim, it sounds like he’s already got an advantage over a lot of folk.

Two people in this thread have said that he’s one tough cookie- tough as nails! That says a lot about him. That will come in handy for the recovery.

Best wishes to you, Jim, and your family in working through this event. We are all rooting for you!

Keep us updated on your progress.

dude Jim that really sucks.

I hope you’ll be able to ride soon.


The ER has cool X-ray machines. With trafic on the 5 south it was about 1 hour and 40 min to the ER but, they were fast. V8 tundra :slight_smile:

He walked down Hummingbird with a broken back? Holy @#$&!

“Tough as nails” is an understatement. You’re a hero in my book, Jim. Heal well.

no i meant hope u feel better

Holy CRAP! Tough as nails is putting it mildly.

Wow! I really hope you feel better and can get back to Muni. I’m sorry this happened, but its a crazy good story. (If they belive you)

Thanks for the kind words! And thanks to the guys for helping me out and for Tim bringing me to ER. I woke up this morning feeling no worse which I take as a good sign. The drugs they gave me are great.:o The latest news is 1 to 3 compression fractures in the mid back. Doesn’t look like surgery. I’ll see a neuro-surgeon tomorrow.
My wife is a really good nurse so I’m in good hands!
Thanks again for the thoughts.
PS: Jamey, post a photo of it when you can.

Must have hurt like the dickens…hope you get better soon.

Munivison, you are a beast! That is incredible that you kept walking the trail with a broken back. Hang in there man.

I wish I could be so manly that I would just walk around with a broken back. Just think of the conversations he could have:

Person: So what do you do for fun?
Munivision: You know, mountain unicycling, hiking with a broken back, nothing too big.

My best wishes for a quick recovery, and hopefully no lasting prohibitions on doing silly things like jumping on rocks on a unicycle.

How exactly did the accident happen?

holy $%@# is right!!

wish I could have been there, but I got your message a little too late, Jim.

how exactly did it happen? (or is that an inappropriate question?)

be sure and feel better-er…

Before his accident, Jim had planned on joining me and the OC club for a muni adventure at Whiting Ranch today, but of course he’s going to be healing for a while. Just wanted to say we missed you there today and hope you make a speedy recovery!:smiley:

I felt sick to my stomach when I found out you had broken your back Jim. I don’t know what it means and how long it’ll take to heal but it doesn’t sound very good and I hope it’s a fast recovery. You’re one of my best new muni friends and I want to ride more with you.

Looking back it’s kind of ironic that we were talking about getting hurt in that cave, remember?! Think Jim said something like he has too many people counting on him to get hurt, like his patients, family and mortgage. Bummer man. When you know more, like how long it takes to heal and such, please let us know.

I’ll post a picture soon…

The post above is not our Dudewithasock; he’s an imposter stirring up trouble, and will likely be banned soon.

Hope you get well soon, Jim.

Jim thats rough. 6 weeks ago I compression fractured t6 and t7 in a skiing accident. Lucky for us, compression fractures seem to be pretty quick to heal and after a few weeks there is very little pain. If your fractures are high enough up in the thoracic region of your back I doubt that you will have to wear a brace. I don’t where mine are. It depends on how much height they vertibra have lost though, I’m no doctor but if its similar to what I did It should be a pretty quick and painless recovery. My estimated recovery time is a totally of three months untill, so you shouldn’t have to worry about quitting riding for too long!
Good luck and yay for pain meds!