multiple images in one post?

This must be simple but… How do you attach multiple images to a single post? If I try to attach another one, the first seems to get overwritten.

Klaas Bil

You can only attach a single image to a post. If you want to display multiple images in a post you’ll have to use the IMG tags. The IMG tags require that the images that you want to display are hosted on a web server somewhere. You put a link to those images in the IMG tag and the images are displayed inline.

Attaching an image is much easier because the image ends up being hosted by Gilby and happens automatically as part of the posting.

One problem with using the IMG tag is that in a couple years the links may die if the linked images are moved, deleted or no longer hosted. I’ve seen several IMG linked images in old posts that are now dead. Images attached to a post will stay live as long as Gilby continues running this site.

Ah, that explains it all. Thanks John.

Klaas Bil

Now I can do it!

Alternately you could post pictures in the gallery and use IMG tags to link to them- they probably won’t die while the forums are still alive, although the gallery does go down from time to time.

That can work, but is not foolproof. Some of the dead IMG links I’ve seen have been linked to gallery images. What happens is that people will rename their gallery, move the images, or even delete them entirely and then the IMG tags are broken.

Broken IMG links in old posts are frustrating. Because of that I dislike IMG links. Attaching a single image to a post is easier and foolproof. Links to attached images are not going to break or die.

If you can guarantee with some certainty that links to images will not die, then IMG tags are fine. Unfortunately, most people who use IMG tags don’t take that concern into account.

those two pics just showed up as white squares with red crosses in them
what’s that about?

Those are two small flag images that appear on my website. But I seem to remember that you (GILD) could not reach my website from someplace (work?). If that is the case, it highlights something else to consider when using IMG-tagged links: they should point to something that is accessible by many (if not all).

GILD, just for testing, can you get to <;?

Klaas Bil

it’s still blocked by the nanny software
u must have something pretty intense on that website of yours

Nothing much is foolproof- especially on computers. Of course a fool would delete an image after purposefully posting it in a gallery and linking to it, but anyone who is sane would not. The gallery is almost as reliable as the forums. Attaching an image to a post is not foolproof- there have been threads made by people wanting to know how to use this feature, because it is not so easy for some as it is for you John. I’ve had trouble with attaching an image before, when I have had my post all ready written and the image attached, and I pressed “Preview” to see if it looked OK, and then when I went to post it the image I attached was no longer attached. So- for those of you who are fools (like me)- you need to attach images after previewing your post.

I think the Wobbling Wally Watts thread is a good example of when I used IMG tags linked to pictures I posted in the gallery. The pictures deserve their own gallery here, and the thread enabled the story to be conveyed, and the IMG tags allowed me the convenience of being able to post pictures at the top of my posts.

Yes, that is a problem. I consider it a bug in the forum software. I just did a quick test and that bug is still in the new version of the forum software. It’s annoying because it catches you unawares when you post after doing a preview.

Unawares maybe, but you’re not necessarily unaware. If you look at the “Attach file:” box you’ll see it’s empty after a preview. Still a bug, I agree.

Klaas Bil

I don’t know if a clever way to resolve this has been determined. I just did a test with IrfanView in which I created a vertically stacked panoramic image using two 640 pixel wide images separated by a 640x50 pixel blank band. The blank image can also be created in irfanview. The panorama is then too big vertically to be accepted by the forum.

Any resolution to this yet?

There is a clever way to get around that. The forum supports an ATTACH tag, but you have to type in the tag manually. The format of the tag is:
but use square brackets [] instead of angle brackets <>

Upload your images as attachments. Then hover over the attachment links and you’ll see the URL with an attachmentid number at the end. Manually type that attachmentid number between the ATTACH tags.

The result will be images that are hosted by the forum but with the flexibility of the [IMG] tags.

JC is the only main man. There can be no other.

If you attach a single image to a post, that image will show up.

If you attach multiple images to a post you only get the list of image links.

If you want those to show up in the post use an image tag for the url of the image link:

david coker.jpg

of subject but how did you make that monkey bike/ unicycle machine

That was from this thread, unfortunately the link to the original gallery with all the pics has gone dead. The mini-bike/unicycle was made by Tommy Miller of The Unicycle Factory.