Hey everybody,
Check out the double page article in the Memphis newspaper about our club:
All of us had a good laugh at how what we said was either misquoted, taken out of context or just plain wrong.
I don’t know about you but I really do enjoy riding my 5’, 36" wheel, giraffe and cruising around the neighborhood at 50 - 60 mph. (Of course, the author was a tad confused and misheard 50 - 60 mph for fifteen - sixteen mph.) Also, I was more than a little disappointed that the author didn’t mention our website.
Tommy, that is great! Two pages! You should post this on the RSU side too.
With all those missprints you should be getting a bunch of curious people showing up to see you do 50mph on your 36 inch wheeled giraffe. I personally want to see the muniac do the freestyle stuff.
A hint for those trying to read the articles. If you click on the page, a window with a script version will pop up. Much easier to read.
Thanks, Steve. Of course, I need better protection AND goggles!
Someone suggested that I should have said, that my uni was a 50 foot tall unicycle with a 60" wheel that went 36 mph.
LOL, baby giraffe unicycle.
I was reading about MUC’s unicycle/community service program, and was really impressed by it. Do you actually give the kids who do the required volunteer work unicycles?
Heck, yes! I just got a call last night from a lad who excitedly announced that he had completed the minimum of 20 hours. So far we’ve been able to keep enough unicycles, in the box and on hand, to meet the need.