has anyone else noticed how much msg is still in food these days? doritos have large amounts of msg. it makes me sick because the more i look at the labels on some of my favorite foods i see that a lot of them have msg. i think the government should outlaw msg for it’s negative health effects.
Its pretty nuts, I noticed too that alot of companies are using it in drinks and stuff.
I think the ones that scare me more though are Aspartame, and high fructose corn syrup. Those are wack, so many things wrong with them but people think they are safe.
At least with MSG people know the dangers. With alot of the artificial sweeteners they just think that because they aren’t sugar, then they are great! But alot of the time they are dead wrong!
so the doritos i mentioned earlier…i’m eating them like i’m flying to africa tomorrow. i suck at life i know. the government should step in a set regulations against the use of all that stuff mentioned in the post above and msg.
I agree. Our government has entirely too little power and control over us. We have WAY too much choice and we’re not using it wisely. I’m tired of thinking independently, making decisions, and in general being responsible for myself. It’s time for someone else to take care of me.
It doesn’t have to explicitly say MSG even though it’s an ingredient. There are many ways of disguising it. I’m looking for the source of that fact. I have it somewhere (and I think it says that there are about 40 ingredients that have or mean MSG).
Also, I do not like the government passing laws about what I can eat. Raw (unpasteurized) milk is illegal in many states including the one I live in. You can drink it from your own cow. Nobody cares about that. You just can’t sell it. So I have to drive 160 miles round-trip to get it from a neighboring state. These laws are made by the same people who said to eat “heart healthy” margarine instead of butter. Margarine is a stick of trans fat, which they are now finally saying is bad. They also say that saturated fat is bad for you, yet before the nutrition databases had detailed information about trans fat, they lumped trans fat in with saturated fat. So of course saturated fat got a bad rap. Bad science in the name of big business drives the legislation. I don’t trust them. They keep getting it wrong.
I avoid MSG by avoiding processed foods. It’s very hard to tell for sure whether a product has MSG. It’s easier with trans fat because you just look for anything partially or fully hydrogenated. Don’t pay too much attention to proclamations of “Zero grams of trans fat!” because if it’s less than half a gram per serving, they can say zero. And who eats just one serving?
Greg – I see that you’ve posted your cry for help while I was typing the above. Don’t worry – I got your back. I’ll take care of you. Don’t listen to the man. The man has other interests at heart.
Thank goodness. If I was to choose anybody to take care of me it would be you and your MURDEROUS COKER PEDALS.
Leave my lovely Shinburgers out of this, you weak-shinned bleeder!
So why is high fructose corn syrup the common sweetener?
Well, it’s because corn is heavily subsidized, importing of sugar is severly restricted, and the amount of sugar production in the US is very controlled. Those North Dakotans love their beet sugar monopoly.
That leaves the rest of us Americans with HFCS, which is very unhealthy… at least the rest of the world enjoys laughing at our obesity problem.
MSG is great !!! It makes all food taste better, and even today in many Chinese recipes they call for a table spoon of MSG.
Monosodium glutamate
The trouble with calling this a ban worthy substance is revealed in it’s name. Sure, ban man made substances with T - D crap unexplainable names that are 16 syllables long. Mono sodium glutamate is a very basic molecule that occurs naturally in many foods. Like when a sodium molecule bonds with a basic carbohydrate.
So ban it. Next ban sodium chloride. The research that shows excess amounts of sodium chloride have been added to our food, raising blood pressure and killing millions, is much stronger then the evidence against msg.
Next ban carbohydrates. This will allow us to go after corn syrup and the other true causes of obesity.
Then we shall all be thin and have low blood pressure. I just hope I can have some disease where I have to smoke pot.
Because after you banned all the foods that have msg in them, I’m going to need the munchies to hang.
After you ban all the foods that have salt, I’m going to start losing weight even with the munchies.
Once all the carbs go, even the beer, pot must be legalized or we shall all perish.
You can’t take our pretzels! Us beer drinkers will organize a revolt!
Last year, on a bet I went without added sugar, sugar sweeteners and any kind of corn syrup for about 5 months. Admittedly I slipped up a few times (had a sandwhich without knowing that white bread has large amounts of corn syrup)
I could still have natural stuff like juices etc.
To be honest, the first month was hell…HELL.
After I fell into groove and found sugar free foods and drinks, things actually got better. I felt a lot better and I found that apple juice and orange juice tasted amazing! Seriously, once you get off the stuff for a while everything tastes sweeter.
When I finally fell off the wagon and had a slice of pie (my arm was broken and I was pretty pissed) it was actually a little too sweet.
Cool. I was told once that if you kick the habit, things will taste different and you won’t “need” so much sugar (and of course that you will also feel better). It’s nice to hear confirmation. Thanks.
ya that goes for pretty much anything, even salt.
You trying to kill all of us? Why not ban dihydrogen oxide while you are at it? Sodium chloride is a necessity. Very good for you in moderation. Excess may be bad for some. Not enough can be deadly.
And so is monosodium glutamate, as natural as salt
“Monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of glutamic acid. Glutamate is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found in nearly all foods, especially high protein foods such as dairy products, meat and fish and in many vegetables. Foods often used for their flavoring properties, such as mushrooms and tomatoes, have high levels of naturally occurring glutamate.
The human body also produces glutamate and it plays an essential role in normal body functioning.” - a quote from here :
if it’s so safe then why do i get “the fear” every time i eat it?
Because this is also a quote from that site –
“EUFIC is co-financed by the European Commission and the European food and drink industry. It is governed by a Board of Directors which is elected from member companies. Current EUFIC members are: Barilla, Cargill, Cereal Partners, Coca-Cola HBC, Coca-Cola, DSM Nutritional Products Europe Ltd., Ferrero, Groupe Danone, Kraft Foods, McCormick Foods, Mars, McDonald’s, Nestlé, Novozymes, PepsiCo, Pfizer Animal Health, Procter & Gamble, Südzucker, Unilever, and Yakult.”
So, when you follow the money, you find that they are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the fast food and processed food industries – industries dependent on food additives such as MSG. Sorry, but I don’t trust them. Their agenda is not to disseminate the truth.
Here’s a FAQ page from the McCormick Foods web site about MSG (simply saying that some of their foods contain MSG – yeah, I bet it’s a lot of them). You can hardly expect an unbiased opinion from a non-profit organization that they help fund. If the organization put on their web site “MSG is bad, bad, bad!” they would have their funding cut off and they would cease to exist.
You can say the same thing about the MSG is bad sites
Do you think if they said their research shows parmasian cheese is 1.2 % glutamate, and must be banned along with tomatoes, they could keep their readers happy ? You are sure their readers love scientific inquiry ? Are any of their advertisers selling natural organic walnuts that are .6 % glutamate?
Perhaps soon we shall find a web site for creationists with a real interest in fossils.
About the time astrology sites start cross linking to astronomers, finding joy in debating them publicly.
Christians who believe everything in the king James bible is true, will want to know who king James was. And start to study the old texts that predate it. Pointing out differences in the various texts will only make your site more popular with the ones who had thought king James was Jesus’s brother, until you helped them. They are gonna love you.
And the 911 truth.org will stay in business after pointing out to people that the only 2 buildings of a certain type to collapse due to fire hold another record. Longest a building has ever stood after being hit by a jumbo jet.
I could go on. I think I will.
Gilby could refuse to deal with paypal. Instead he could pay for our new server by asking that we all send him a basket of goods. None of us will mind paying the shipping cost, because we all understand that the reality of paying money is less important economically to us, then our respect for 16 th century economic principles.
Hillary could point out on her web site that the kid who sold his bike and games so he could send her a check is so cute she wanted to honor his contribution.
She could produce a graph showing the 110 M the Clinton’s made the last 8 years, her current campaign debt of 20 M, and the 400 $ the retarded kid gave her. Everyone loves the truth. I bet they would also be very impressed at Hillary’s superior grasp of obvious economics;) .
Ron Paul could post on his site that contributions will only be accepted in gold or silver. Or of course, the always welcome “basket of goods”. Instead, he sets records at internet electronic fund raising. A concept that he is only successful at because he has opposed it so consistently for 40 years. Every step of the way he opposed the very existence of the Fed and it’s electronic currency , insisting that the money itself must have intrinsic value. This is so funny, that Paul himself could start telling the joke. "If I was ever right in the last 40 years, I would not be the success I am today ".
My point is that consistency counts for a lot, really to much in how we rate individuals, brands, things. Yet we all crave it, mental stability is the greatest virtue politically.
Consistency between web sites to find truth is of course slanted by ones personal search for the truth we want to find. I think all have this bias.
From my point of view, I accept that glutamate is an essential amino acid in my body. I lump it with table salt, as a spice, but also as a part of food that you have to eat cause it’s in stuff naturally. Your body needs it, but has no trouble making it. We don’t need to eat glutamate. It is a non essential protein in our diet. However, a large amount of glutamate is part of our bodies.
It is an excellent idea to eat a diet of fresh vegetables, fish, nuts and tomatoes. These foods are naturally high in glutamate. Yet science says you should eat them.
Mono sodium glutamate makes some food taste better, in countless taste studies. These studies are done constantly, around the clock, internationally, for the past 100 years, by chiefs.
This is the only reason it’s used as a spice. Chiefs choice, with lots of research. That doesn’t mean you as an individual like the taste of food flavored this way. Only that it is popular at the market.
The science backing the dangers of msg appears anecdotal. Processed food tends to be garbage, but the fresh food alternative is also high in glutamate.
As much as glutamate is bad, it is in making Ramen noodles so tasty that lots of folks eat it without adding vegetables and fish to the microwave bowl that will be supper. Msg can make empty carbs taste like a better meal.
Of course, all web sites have their play with their slant on reality. I am no fan of msg. I also realize that sports drinks don’t actually provide useful salts.
But just as gatorade makes millions selling you salts in a dyed water that makes no sense at all as far as your bodies salt balance, there is a huge industry based on exploiting peoples fear of common substances. Web sites dedicated to folks that want to purify themselves by not eating artificial things with chemical sounding names.
And the reality is that some people do get sick after eating Chinese food. Yet no one is allergic to msg, or they would have died in the womb. The science that shows this amino acid is a part of everyone is uncontested.
You sure like to mischaracterize my position.
There is nothing wrong with digital transactions. The problem is the use of force on the banking industry in which we must use their continually debased currency. Like I said before to you, we just need an index as our monetary unit, and we can hold anything from commodities, stocks, and other securities in our bank account and an electronic transaction would result in your bank negotiating the transaction and what is actually transferred from your bank to mine. Forcing us to use something that is subject to manipulation, for political and/or corporate benefit, is very harmful to an economy.
Before the Federal Reserve was created, the USA was very prosperous which allowed it to emerge out of WWI and WWII as the world’s superpower, resulting in the US dollar being the world’s reserve currency under the Bretton-Woods agreement which allowed central banks to trade dollars for gold, until we defaulted in 1971. Later in the 1970s, the backing of the dollar came from an agreement with OPEC to to only accept the USD for oil in exchange for military protections from the US. That agreement has been dissolving over the past decade. Other currencies are now being traded for oil (Iraq was the first to switch in 2001) and central banks are starting to “diversify” their reserves (dump the dollar). We can’t export our inflation any longer.