MS Paint your own Death

Here goes Death by Bear…

Did you really do that yourself? It’s very good. :slight_smile:


Id say its far from Very Good but I did take a bit of time to draw it up in paint. I figure what better way to go then boxing a bear on bright and sunny day.

Now come on draw up your own death to share with everyone else it doent have to be good just put a stick figure on a uni then draw the cliff you jumped off from behind it, or whatever your death fantasy would be.

After a bit more concideration I think I need some boxing gloves if I am ever going to fight a bear…

Death while riding a Llama and getting a bomb/fish shot at me out of the tail of a blue dog turtle:

This one needs some explaining. Here I am playing with my new wood lathe and trying to figure out how to use the skew chisel. It digs in, cutting the piece in two, and sends the broken off bit through my right eye which is pushed through my head and out the other side…then I drop the chisel which goes straight through my foot.

I’m standing up because I’m already dead before I hit the ground.

How did I do? :slight_smile:


death by wood lathe.jpg

…and I thought my death needed some explaining! :slight_smile: Nice one.

hehe thanks…this game is fun, other people post some! I’ll probably do some more later.

i can’t draw

i want to die at age 96

being shot by a jealous husband


Thats why I’m here to draw it up for you…

This is like the # 1 coolest thread ever! (no sarcasm) I’m cooking one up for me as we speak…err…type.

-TyTy :smiley:

Death by ugly wannabe hot chick:

mini-ugly chick.jpg

Now, Death by Licorice in Nose Tyler Cox Head (wow, that’s a long name!)

I bet you ate that thing after you took the picture too! :stuck_out_tongue:

death by spoon


Curbstomp by Pimp/Megatron:

man, those backwards shoes look like theyre gonna hurt! : o


This is me getting killed by a holy cow that fell out of an airplane accidentaly.

Death by exploding sun
