Mris Unicycle Convention Planing Thread!

Ok, so this thread is being posted for the exact purpose mentioned in the thread title, to plan a unicycle convention for the MRIS so, discuss Location/ Time of year/and all that Jazz. We are finally getting around to planing the Convention Mr. President (James Potter)! so I was thinking somewhere in the middle of the US because there are some pretty accesible airports there or our Overseas member and it’s not too far of a drive for our members in the states… so somewhere HERE:

USA Map copy copy.jpg

HMm, maybe we should get a map and have all the MRIS map a point to show the city they live in, then we can see where the best place would be.

There is also NAUCC coming soon.

yeah and a map showing the cities where everyone in MRIS lives would make my MRIS USA coker ride (when I get my coker) A lot Easier…

Or maybe we should just do it in Rowlett, TX.

or you could stop being a lazy bum and get to an agreed location(when we figure it out) :smiley: :wink:

Or you could stop being stubborn and acknowledge that my needs are more important than yours. All the cool kids are doing it. Namely, me.


i personally think we need a city where someone already is so we don’t have to arrange for lodgings, and we can all stay in that person’s backyard/ on their floor.

or we could go by seniority and everybody can make a trip to the great white north;). Just don’t tell GILD about the seniority thing or we’ll be all going to south africa. Not that it would be a bad thing, I think it’d be a fun trip.

or we could just get 3-4 spots at a campsite and pwn the crap out of it w/ tents

I say san antonio texas
i live 2 hours away, but i could hang w/ my sis if I went there.

San Antonio is good with me! :smiley: I got relatives I can stay with.

Well I’m going to set up some sort of google mapping thing like Gilby has for the Unicyclist locations and make it for MRIS members in the states then we can pick a central city in the red area on my map above and then we can all camp out in someone’s back yard/ house or a nearby camp ground…

EDIT : I don’t know how to make a google map that everyone can add to like on the forums here… so… can some one either help me do it or do it for all of us?

Put yourself on that there map, and we’ll find the central location of all MRIS members or MR thread regulars (:

Now we just need a way to distract him…hmmm.

Look Dave!! Over there! A wig booth!

I added myself.


Sweet, thanks for that!

me too!

Me three.

I added myself to the map. A get together would be really fun, I gotta say…dunno what my parents would say about it, depends on where it would be.

me four