I like the idea of having the 2nd degrees up to the 10th.
I like UniBrier’s idea, and the funny titles part adds much potential. Brilliant. A stroke of genius.
That’s my vote as an MRIS Degree 1
I am going to say: Yay For UniBrier’s idea. I believe that to be excellent.
But, instead of having a follow on of ‘1060’ (that being the second degree and double 530) I believe we should keep it 1530 and make sure ITEMNO530 is remembered… Maybe…
the VIP or ELITE sounds good.
i cqst my vote for those.
I, like many others, hope to one day join the MRIS.
I don’t think that there should be any levels above MRIS. I have noticed in my short time on this forum (about 9 months officially) that the amount of pointless posts has increased a great amount.
When I first started using this forum seriously (start of this year(?)) I would come home from school every day and look through RSU and Just Conversation just to see new threads and posts and there would only be a page of new ones. Now when I get home from school, I jump on RSU and JC and have to browse through one and a half or more pages of new theads/posts each.
I have no problems with this really, I guess what I am actually getting at is that perhaps it’s because of MRIS that there are some pretty pointless posts on here and some threads are no longer being used as … threads as much but more like chat rooms. Sure, with MR it’s fine and same with the Word Association Game, but with serious threads it can get quite frustrating.
Okay, when I say it’s because of the MRIS I don’t actually mean that. I think in some cases it’s just people who want to get as many posts as they can. Sometimes it may just be people on quest to join the MRIS. Maybe it’s just people who just want to be annoying or are too lazy to PM someone. Sure, a lot of the new posts are also new unicyclists, but not all of them.
I feel that if there was a MRIS VIP and such there is a good chance that the level of pointless posts like the example above may increase. Frankly, I don’t want this =D
Anyway, that’s my $0.0261946 AUD
I’m open to all criticisem and I will respect your views too, no matter how wrong they are =]
in all honesty i couldnt be bothered saying anything back at that.
oh yeah i kind of like the whole idea of having other levels, but it doesn’t really bother me.
i dont realy care either! though if there are other levels the level of pointless posts may increase.
just wasnt fat enough eh?
there should be a physical challenge to get into MRIS in addition.
Stunning idea.
I’m going to start rolling up my left trouser leg when I post as well.
Beat that.
I’m also in favour of the MR Inner Ear.
The Vip and Elite just sounds far to fancy for something that is inherently silly.
And it sounds far too snobbish.
I wouldn’t want to be part of that.
But I will want to qualify for the Degree of Zoltan, Defender of the Realm, Keeper of the Flame and Captain of the Guard of the Sacred and Blessed Unicorn..
I think MRIS needs a cabinet
is there any way of having an invitation only section of the MRIS?
As soon as the rep system comes back…
Excellent blackmail GILD, that should get gilby on it right away.
pERSONALY, I think a new MRIs would be good, but I like the ear the best, as for all, it is another stage of the MRIS which is a body part, so we shouldn’t break away from that.
MRIE, is all letters too.
And it looks a bit like IRIE.
well well well, Im sure you were expecting my reply to this.
First, MRIS has nothing to do with other threads. Getting posts in other threads does not help you joining the MRIS. So by quoting the niple post in the pogo stick thread which was posted by someone who isn’t in the MRIS, and only has 128 posts in MR really does not reflect the MRIS at all. Also, one of the MRIS’ rules in MR is not posting pointless posts just in order to get more posts. You also cannot post more than 3 times in a row. Both of these rules (witht he exception of postalonathons) are to strive to keep Most Replys a thread of conversation, where the members and posters get to know eachother through talking to eachother. Also, you may have seen that when new members posting in MR go crazy posting one word posts, 8 times in a row we definatly step in, and tell them about out rule for the thread, in hopes the thread can save some dignity. If, this thread ever reaches it’s goal of the most replies (replys) in a single thread, we want to do it with a shread of respect. Sometimes the topics aren’t interesting, sometimes they are. None the less its people getting to know eachother. I personally think your post here is 100 percent wrong, and Im sure you think mine is aswell. But, you my friend lost me when you cited someone who isnt in the MRIS’s post, and used it as an attack on the MRIS.
Bite me.
haha. Kidding.
I guess Ill be up for whaever you guys want to call it, I also do like the levels idea of unibrier’s aswell.
This should be a poll. Perhaps once we have all our ideas we could have a poll. Or, we could just come to a commmon discision I guess.