MRIS Committee Meeting

It has been brought to my attention by the lovely Kristine (applause), that the MRIS is too easy to get into nowadays, so we should perhaps consider upping the limit. Well, not exactly…the MRIS would still be everyone with over 530 posts, but we should make a new MRIS, for those with even more posts. My thinking is that everyone with over 5300 posts in the thread could be the new MRIS, or, we would probably come up with some new and improved name…so far, that’s only three of us with 5300+, so it’s a good milestone for some people to shoot for, you know? Me too.

Members of the MRIS, and whoever else, discuss!

Sounds good to me (5300) but wasn’t the point of MRIS for it to be the last digits in ITEMNO530’s name (530)?

I’d rahter keep it at 530… because, what fun is it if it’s 5300? Most people don’t even have that many total posts…

I think it would be a great idea, but of course, not taking away from the MRIS in its original form, just assing another “milestone” to shoot for after you’re already in the MRIS.

I vote yes.

It may encourage posting.
And “replys” are what we want (as long as they pretain to out standards)

vote yes.

I dont think he was saying that he wanted the original 530 changed. But to add another MRIS (named something different at 5300 as something else to shoot for)

How about it be called the MRIS VIP?
Or like super box or something haha.

Oh, we already have that, Most Replys Inner Ear. Remember??

I like the sounds of VIP. Or MRIS elite perhaps.

haha the inner ear. What? really? My memory is failing me. Was that official?

Yeah…but the club doesn’t need MRIS discrimination.

Sortof… I thought of it right after 5300 posts and everyone agreed…

Fat chance searching through MR for THAT though…

Yeah, sounds good
Final answer?

I move to propose a question…

Why don’t we just disscuss this in MR anyway?

I reckon you should let celebrities join MR VIP if they want…like me, KH, Shaun J, etc

perhaps because we’ll bury it in posts and half of us will miss it.

Deserves a thread.

No, I move to call division of the house, all in favor of Most Replys Inner Ear please signify by say Yay or Nay.

All in favor: Yay


I hate to go against you,
but I say nay.

The ear wasnt official…and Id rather the MRIS VIP or MRIS Elite, or something like that. But, it shall go to a vote. Does anyone else have any other suggestions?

Yeah MRIS VIP sounds so cool
cause its all letters.

I will never be in the MRIS but here is a suggestion.

Give “levels” or “degrees”.

530 - MRIS member
1060 - MRIS second degree/level two
5300 - MRIS 10th degree

Then you can think up funny titles, like the lodges do, like Grand Exulted MRIS, etc.