Mp3 inquery

Hey everyone, my Creative Zen recently broke. I was my third one that I’ve had because they are not of solid make. So i am on the market for a new 5-6 GB mp3 player that is under $200. Preferabl one that a has a decent reputation.

Any help? thanks.


Has anyone tried the SanDisk Sansa e270? I’ve seen good things about it, but haven’t actually tried one in person. The 6GB version is $220 on Amazon after a rebate.

It uses a Li-ion battery that they say is user replaceable. A replacement battery is $20 from SanDisk.

For 150 you can get the Archos 104 (4GB). I love archos, they produce some amazing products. I have the gmini 400, and am planning on upgrading to the 402 camcorder at some point in the future. A couple friends of mine have the Gmini 400, 500 and AV 700. Everyone I know that has had one has loved it.

check to find some good deals on mp3 players