
Ok so i know everyone is just gonna burn me for this but im just saying something. dont you guys think that maybe the most replys thread is getting a little out of hand? I mean sure its all in good fun but come on. Every time I get on this site its all I see. I’m not trying to offend anybody im just stating an opinion.

I suggest you duck.

im wearing a bulletproof vest

good advice…

MR is a part of our culture as unicyclists…to get rid of it would be like getting rid of our wheel…you’ve never posted there so you dont’ know the power it holds, and how it feels to post there…it is an addiction, and one many of us will not be getting over soon…MR is here to stay.

controls furious anger welling up inside

edit: why is this thread titled ‘mp’?

I have nothing (anymore, anyway) against the MR thread, but please, it’s not part of our culture as unicyclists. It’s part of our culture as people who waste inordinate amounts of time on newsgroups pointing out pointless things. Like what I’m doing right now, in fact.

haha c’mon you dont think I was being serious?

Might also explain why we had the time to learn to unicycle (or juggle).

Quoting from the original Most Replies post:

14,250+ replies so far: Seems pretty much a success to me!