like above… I’m going to live in Larnaka for some time, just wondering if there are any unicycles around…
I’ll start exploring Cyprus (+/-) 15 may
like above… I’m going to live in Larnaka for some time, just wondering if there are any unicycles around…
I’ll start exploring Cyprus (+/-) 15 may
Moving to Cyprus - is anybody out there?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Cyprus has been evacuated and abandoned.
There is no one in Cyprus.
There is a Cypriot unicyclist.
If you are seeking unicyclists, you might post this on Rec.Sport, where there are far more readers.
Didn’t Ivan used to be from Cyprus? Or was that someone else?
Nah, you’re right. Ivan is in Cyprus and my background is Cypriot like my 1st sigline states.
that topic origianlly was submitted in that section
call me a noob, but how to pm these guys you’re talking about?
I found one Ivan, who seems to live in Czech Republic…
Ivan lives there, as mentioned, as does one other user, forgot his username though.
Pop in Most Replys sometime and ask for him, they will be able to help you out.
Hello Owca. I’m Ivan and I lived in Cyprus, Larnaca for 6 years before moving to Czech Republic in November. The only two other unicyclists in Cyprus that I have heard of were two guys, one in Nicosia who had a freestyle and would ride around his swimming pool and the other one somewhere in Larnaca or a near-by village who dressed as a clown. I’ve never met either of them.
There was also my girlfriend who I taught how to ride, but she moved to Prague with me.
Aha, also there is my friend who knows how to ride. But he doesn’t have a unicycle. He lives in Larnaca. I could get you in touch with him if you want.
any contact is needed I’m just fed of riding alone…
I’m not sure which place is going to be my new home for some time - Larnaca or Nicosia, so if you know anything more than they exist - please give me a shout