Movie of a Princess

Watching this trailer brings a tear to my eye. This story is about Princess Ka’iulani who was Hawaii’s last Princess under Hawaiian Law. Haoles came and took over the Monarchy. The invaders claimed the islands as there own in the late 1800s. This is a short clip that was shown at Cannes Film fest last may. (not the actual musical Score)

This movie cost 9 million US dollars to make. I invested some money into the movie. With the tax credits I will break even. If the movie ever makes more than 10 million, I’ll get more.

Being an investor has been interesting. Meeting the staff of people running the show is pretty cool. I was informed through out. I listen to the writer/director describe the story and I had several chances to see actual filming of the project.

I hope it’s a good movie even if it doesn’t make money.
But still, tell everyone to see it!!:wink: