Moved: This is about a plane crash!

If I’m not mistaken one of the possible implications of this theory is that not foreign terrorists, but some US government conspiracy was behind the events at the Pentagon and by extension perhaps at NY and PA. I personally can not bring myself to believe that that is the case, but if it were, then this information would be quite significant.

Raphael Lasar


Thanks for moving the thread to a more appropriate location. I will put the other one in the trash receptacle.

This is the link to the original thread.


Absolutely true.

I don’t trust the Pentagon to tell anyone anything based on it’s truth and significance, though. Rather the opposite sometimes, and that’s assuming they know what’s true or significant beforehand- or if I would know it if I heard it.

And thanks for moving this thread, Jjuggle. Good thinkin’. We might be arguing on the same side of this thing. Dunno.

Raphael, Where is your link to snopes?
True or False?

Sorry to snap like that over there fella’s but I feel very strongly about what happened that day…I don’t have time or room for little weak conspiracy theories…
My bad if I came off as an ass, but I don’t really care how I came off anyhow :smiley:

My bad. :slight_smile: I guess you’re taking this as a sign of my liberal bias even as regards such far-fetched ideas. :wink:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Nice one, bugman! I can never remember to check that site.

I gotta remember to just click to different threads when I see stuff like this. I burn too much time getting all interested and irritated.

Gotta go ride my wheel now.



very interesting video.

How so?

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

i remember watching the news wondering where the wings went. i just figured they must have disintgrated but it seems like they would just rip off and be visable close to the outside.

i also wondered how a plane that big didnt have a wake of distuction since it came in so low at incredibe speed.

Lie Number One: the size of the hole.

You’d never know from this video that the hole in the Pentagon was about 90 feet wide, and that facade damage extended beyond that. The pictures shown are carefully selected to give the impression of a small hole: only those pictures where smoke and water obscure the true dimension of the hole are used.

Lie Number Two: a “prepondence” of missile/small plane testimony

The eyewitness accounts are carefully chosen. None of the hundred or so eyewitnesses are quoted completely, and only “sounded like a missile” type quotes are used. I can point you to ten independant witnesses who saw a large American Airlines jet actually crash into the Pentagon

Lie Number Three: the “tape” coverup

Three films are mentioned as being confiscated. Only two have never been seen by anyone but people working for the government. That’s beyond dispute.

But the third, the Sheraton tape, was watched several times by hotel employees before the FBI got there. They watched the tape in “shock and horror” according to this video. But none of them have ever, EVER, questioned what hit the Pentagon that day. These people saw it on tape, and their silence means one thing alone: it is as it was reported. A large American Airlines jet crashed into the Pentagon.

Lie Number Four: Flight 77 lost from radar?

You’ve heard that the ATC lost track of Flight 77 after the transponder was turned off. You’ve heard that the signal completely disappeared from the ATC’s screen, so they had to go to primary radar to search for Flight 77.

So far you’ve heard correctly.

But it’s now been shown that the recordings of the primary radat coverage NEVER lost the radar signal of Flight 77. Flight 77 was heading west and turned slightly to the southwest before turning off its transponder. Then it turned around and headed back to Washington, as the primary radar shows. Yet those searching for Flight 77’s signal on primary radar searched to the west and southwest of its last known position, not east. That’s why they couldn’t find it.

Flight 77 was never lost from primary radar. It was tracked from takeoff to crash landing.

Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. Enough with these foolish speculations to the contrary, which only works up foolish questions and then make you pay 15 dollars for the DVD that has “all the answers”.

By the way, by clicking Home at the end of the video, you’re taken to this page:

There appears to be a malfunctioning video there, and a credit to Sign of the Times productions, found here:

On that page, you’ll find an ad for a book about how Egyptians and other ancient civilizations mastered antigravity. That’s the caliber of intellect being used to produce these hocus-pocus stories about the Pentagon strike.

(this was cut and pasted from one of my favorite sites.)

Watch twice or more.
It contains a 5 frame movie that I received end 2001.
Shortly after I start spreading this movie early 2002 I feld like being followed (in Europe) by a weird American guy. So one day I went for a coffee on his invitation. He claimed never had any militairy experience. The conversaton feld more like a screening than just a informal talk. Later on he accidently dropped a millitairy pass of him out of his purse…

More links:

Or switch back to NYC:

Boeing experts sais the planes never manually could have made the extreme sharp turn they had to make to hit the towers. The plane is protected against it. It can can only be done remotely.
…The lost planes were fully remote controlable.

Or the earlier attack on the WTC. Officially the gaz was supplied by the CIA or FBI to be able to better follow this terrorist-cell.

Before 9/11 I knew the name Bin Laden only from the messages at those defacings by Pakistanish hacker clans. And from that one time attack on that US marine ship. There I learned about the US support to the family Bin Laden during he Rusian invasion in Russia. Shortly after 9/11 I conluded the attacks had too much benefits for the USA, that much that IF Osama Bin Laden would have done them, it must have been on US order.

But why should I care about it anyway?

The very first weekend “w” stayed in the white house he bumbed Kuwait together together with the UK airforce. By then I expected some bigger war to start soon after. Luckaly China was smart enough to pass all invitations it received from mr w.

I wonder, can you park between the rings? (see the traffic sign):


leo,thats a pic of what interested me most in the comes from the 3rd ring in the complex i think. the video has firefighters walking by it and it is a smaller hole than (90ft) for sure.

This movie gives me the chills. I do feel that it is the work of silly conspiracy theorists and muck-rakers and should be almost completely ignored, but it almost makes me think.

As an american youth, I basically have a blind trust in mass media and the U.S. government. I know this is not the best thing to have, but it is something that I have and the only way to change it is to begin to believe silly things like this.

I guess my real question is why? Are the creators just trying to stir up trouble? Because there is obviously little truth in what they are saying.

It is highly unlikely that the U.S. government would attack its own defense department. Even more unlikely is that they would decide to do it on the same day that terrorists hijack 3 planes and blow things up. We saw those planes. 9/11 happened. And the government had nothing to do with it.

As I live very close-by a large airport I still don’t believe the pentagon eat such a plane with wings and tails trough such a small hole.

Also there seem to be witnesses who sais it sounded like a missile. I guess most of them would never seen a missile passing by. But they all would know pretty well how planes can sound, and they say it did not sound anything like a plane.

Switch over to NYC:
This movie I found pretty quick after 9/11. And before any rumours started. Please have a look at it.


I have not watched any 9/11 WTC video in quite some time, but my recollection is pretty clear that the footage shown on television clearly showed a second plane flying into the second tower. What do you think the point of the video you’ve linked to is?

For me, if anything, it demonstrates how easily witnesses can be mistaken about what they’ve seen. Have you read or seen anything suggesting that the WTCs were hit with missiles rather than planes?

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

There is a Documentary about a Rookie firefighter (they just happened to be filming him that day)

While they were driving to the Tower, it got really loud, they looked up and caught the airplane from underneath right into the tower.

Why do conspiracy theorists do it? If you look at this type of “documentation” you will see that the makers must carefully pick and choose among the available pictures, quotes, and “evidence” to make their claims. If they tried to be objective, they could never reach the conclusions they show.

In other words, though Zod may be a hothead and embody some of the lesser virtues of being an American, I have to agree with him wholeheartedly here. This nonsense is an insult to the families and the memories of the people who died in that crash.

It is no different (except for scale) than people who try to erase the memory of the holocaust. Sorry, too many living relatives for any of that to be taken seriously. People I know. Hopefully they will continue to pass it on to their living relatives.

Anyway, back to the “evidence.” How about the No Parking sign? According to the video, this is in the space between the rings. Why have a No Parking sign there, I wondered? Well, it obviously appears to be an impermanent addition. My guess is that vehicles were given access to that area as part of the firefighting and cleanup. The sign was for those vehicles. It is obviously not a permanent sign Nobody parks up against Pentagon walls, I’ll assume.

Lots of eyewitness reports. When’s the last time a large passenger jet, traveling at full speed, flew low over you? Right. We don’t know what that sounds like. When they’re taking off and landing they are somewhere below 200 mph, not 530. These are the same people that will describe your 6’ unicycle as being 10-20’ tall. They are not experts, and they’re seeing something they are not used to seeing.

Plane crash evidence. Planes leave piles of debris, right? Sure. How about Flight 93? There wasn’t much left of that one, was there? It has something in common with the Pentagon crash, in that both planes were not trying to land. Most plane crashes are the result of planes that are unable to land under control. Theyr’e going as slow as they can, and they’ve dumped all their fuel before crashing.

Ever been to Meteor Crater, Arizona? The hole is a mile across. Where’s the meteor? People dug for it for years and years. My mom spent the summer working in the museum there in the 1950s. She actually has a piece of it. It’s about 4" long. The meteor, which was mostly made of nickel/iron, was mostly vaporized on impact.

Okay, so it was going quite a bit faster than these jets. But I believe that is the idea. We are all surprised that there was very little of the wings and other remote parts of the plane laying around. But on the other hand, this plane was full of fuel. Ever seen what it looks like when and airplane (or aluminum truck trailer) burns? That stuff burns away. Still, there should be some pieces.

A crash at 500+ miles per hour apparently makes much smaller pieces of the airplane. I don’t find this hard to believe, and have seen similar results in military jet accidents and other high-speed crashes and collisions.

What about the holes in the Pentagon? The little hole on the inner ring is interesting. One wonders if the fuselage actually penetrated that far. If so, where’d it go? Meteor Crater again. Or, maybe the actual plane didn’t get that far. How much shockwave is there in front of a jet going 530 mph? Could it have been something like that?

This would make a good episode of Penn & Teller’s Bullshit (a show on Showtime). But they have far more “useful” topics to cover than a single conspiracy theory. Maybe they could do UFOs in general…

Anyway, the people that were on that plane, like Elvis, are dead. Based on what I’ve seen and read, which includes quality publications like the New York Times not questioning the lack of airplane, I choose to believe that they lost their lives at the Pentagon.

I take that as a compliment!!! :smiley: