I still enjoying the heck out of my NIMBUS 26. I am glad I got it.
Can I have some tips with mounting on a steep uphill? If the uphill is wide enough, I know I can mount sideways and turn to the uphill. But on a skinny trail, I can’t pull that off.
I seem to be able to mount steep downhills without a problem.
If it gets super steep you have to quickly jump onto the pedals and put downward presure on the non-dominant foot to keep from rolling backwards, then power on. It’s really one quick move. Get caught in the dead point (crank arms vertical) and you’re hosed.
Practicing the jump mount first might help you build this skill… after awhile you can use as much forward momentum as you like. Running uphill might sound ludicrous at first, but you may discover it will keep you upright and help you get going once you mount uphill.
Good climbing abilities help, too. Since you don’t have much time to stabilize and get going once you mount, your uphill technique should be practiced. Use both thigh and calf muscles; your toes should be pointing downward at the bottom of your stroke. Don’t mash the pedals, spin them in circles… etc. (There are other threads on this topic)
When I do this I do a rolling mount. I have one foot on the pedal in it’s lowest position, then I put the other foot on and roll back into a hopping posistion. Then I do a few hops to get balance and press hard on the pedal to go upwards. Hope this helps!
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 12:07:18 -0500, “rusty” wrote:
>When I do this I do a rolling mount. I have one foot on the pedal in
>it’s lowest position, then I put the other foot on and roll back into a
>hopping posistion. Then I do a few hops to get balance and press hard on
>the pedal to go upwards. Hope this helps!
That’s one suggestion I would make too. Only I think it is a ROLLBACK
mount not a ROLLING mount. You can change the initial position of the
lowest pedal from fully down (as Rusty describes) to somewhat to the
back, depending on the steepness of the uphill and your findings at
previous attempts.
The other way, which also works for me on narrow trails, is to mount
perpendicular, or even fully downhill (in which case you can do a few
revolutions for stabilisation), and then hop in place while turning
uphill. The hard part is then to get going steeply uphill from zero
Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
“I (…) made it without dying, which means mere mortals can do it. - John Foss”
Why are you trying to ride up a steep hill? Uphill is for pushing the unicycle. Downhill is for riding the unicycle. (I’m only 50% serious. Many people walk up the hills to save their energy for the downhills.)
Static mount, but hop really quickly and forcefully into the seat to counteract the pedal action.
Is this possible? Reverse mount (stand in front of the unicycle and step onto the forward pedal).