Mounting a 5 foot Unicycle

I have just purchased a Torker TX. I was wondering if anyone knew how to free mount it. I always use a wall.

Here is a video from on freemounting a giraffe:

p.s. I don’t have a giraffe nor can I freemount one. But it looks damn fun to ride one though

A friend of mine got this uni a while ago. I’ve only been able to ride it a few times, but I had a lot of fun. After a few minutes of needing to climb onto it from a counter top, I thought it was time to learn to free mount it. I first tried the step up mount, and that wasn’t working at all. I’m 5’6" and I couldn’t find a way to get up high enough. So I tried the running mount. I had much more success with it. For me, the key was to take a good 2 or 3 steps to build up speed, and jump as high as I could while putting a lot of force on the back pedal to prop me up. Here is a short video of one of my first successful freemounts.

make sure u work out the steps properly so that when u’re making the jump, the pedals are in the best posible position for the mount
it helps, not only with the mount, but for a
variety of other problems, thanx Sofa


We posted videos of Ben’s 5-footer mount at The video clips show many attempts at the mount and a very brief analysis of why it didn’t happen. Then his successful Kings Camp mount is on page 2. Ben was 12 at the time. Then there is a video clip of his mount to a 6-footer at age 14 at

Hope it helps.