Just yesterday there was a thread mentioning the featured video on yahoo.com was the trailer for universe 2, well now the fifth most searched term on yahoo.com is mountain unicycling for today.
I think I’ll go to Yahoo and search mountain unicycling some more.
It’s funny, because that U2 trailer is more then just mountain unicycling, it’s got everything…
That is AWESOME!
Everyone should search “Mountain Unicycling” on yahoo.
EDIT: We are still trailing Kelly Clarkson and Dog Costumes haha.
what about “naked”. thats gotta be up there
Naked mountain unicycling. Does it get any better than that?
This reminds me of that Chech girl volley team that came to our school ones. Oh boy, did they have some nice girls in it…
OK, everybody: Go to yahoo and search for trials unicycling. We need it to beat MUni:p
heck no!
muni owns all!
btw: Were does it say the top 5?
Obviously it was #5 based on having that video posted yesterday. Yes, a friend of Jacquie’s called her to tell her he followed that link and ended up looking at my photo albums. The #1 item on a Yahoo search of “mountain unicycling” is Brett Bymaster’s MUni FAQ, which was last updated in 1997. Just a little outdated! Soon as I heard about this I added a little update at the top to point people to some more recent info:
There’s lots of other really old stuff that comes up under that topic. Is that because Yahoo has old data, or because people aren’t labeling their more recent sites well?
Anyway, alas, I checked the Yahoo homepage again and Mountain Unicycling is no longer listed in the top searches. I got a screen shot of it though…
It would be nice to think all that searching has something to do with MUni Weekend which starts Friday (Thursday if you’re into Disc Golf), but I’m sure it’s more about that U2 trailer.
Maybe some of them will find their way here?
Unicycling.com forums?
Oops! fixed. It was only two letters…