Mountain Mayhem Movie

I’m a senior at my school, and our school does something unique called Senior Projects. This means we get 4 weeks off in May (classes end at the beginning) to do essentially whatever we want to do. So, me and two others (snuffiluffigus included), did hiking, muni, MTBing, rock climbing, and slacklining for our project. At the end, we (and when I say we, I mean I), created a website and a movie as our final products. Take a look at it if you want to. The movie is in QT and is 6:22.

The server I’m hosting all of this off of is a little slow, and it’s quite large, so be patient.

The website is located here (the movie is embedded). The movie embedded in the website may not work on older machines. If you want to just see the movie, it is located here.

Enjoy, Kyle

looks cool, ill check it out more later

Awww, you had me all excited for a minute… :slight_smile:

Saab Solomon Mountain Mayhem 2006

I must confess to not having watched your video due to as your definition of “quite large” is slightly different to mine… I’d call 859MB “blummin’ massive” instead…


Sorry, it is big. You can see the really small version (~100MB) here.

Yeah, not related to the Saab mountain mayhem (After we picked the name we realized how many other places it’s used), but there is mountain biking.

I am downloading it now, I guess I didn’t notice this post somehow, but its being downloading, all 859mb of it, that the size of some movies lol, but i am gonna go to bed then watch this when I wake up, cause of dsl, it gonna take a few hours.

sounds like a sweat movie, im downloading it now and hopefully ill get it in a couple of hours

yeh it is a bit big - any chance you can make it smaller or edit a ‘best of’ or something? looks cool though

I really enjoyed that vid! Everything about it was fun and light hearted. You boys sure know how to have fun!

The editing and music choice was great too…(visually appealing)

congrats on finishing high school :slight_smile:

Thanks, it was quite a production to make, many different places.

Sorry, I haven’t had time to export the video in any other quality. It’s either really big or really small.

I really want to see this video, but it is just too darn large. I saw a bit of it on the website before it stopped, it was pretty sweet. I am downloading the full version now, it says I have 8 hours and 49 minutes left. It will be downloading all night!

Sweet. I could just show you a copy tomorrow…

It is finally done. I left it going last night and watched it in the morning. Erik is absolutely rediculous. It was good though.